Handbook of Health and Welfare Statistics 2023
Part 2 Health
Chapter 3 Living environment
Table 2-71 |
Number of incidents of food poisoning, patients and deaths by pathogen and preparing facility
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Table 2-72 |
Number of incidents of food poisoning, patients and deaths by causative food
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Table 2-73 |
Number of incidents of food poisoning, patients and deaths by year
(Excel:19KB) |
Table 2-74 |
Coverage of the water supply system and population with water supply systems by prefecture
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Table 2-75 |
Status of waste and human waste treatment by fiscal year
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Table 2-76 |
Number of cemeteries, crematoria and ossuaries by prefecture - designated city - core city (regrouped)
(Excel:24KB) |
Table 2-77 |
Status of number of food-related commercial facilities based on old Food Sanitation Act by type of business
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Table 2-78 |
Status of number of food-related commercial facilities based on the amended Food Sanitation Act by type of business
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Table 2-79 |
Number of food sanitation supervisors by certificates and category of industry
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Table 2-80 |
Number of food sanitation supervisors by certificate and prefecture - designated city - core city (regrouped)
(Excel:27KB) |
Table 2-81 |
Number of environmental health industry facilities, hotel rooms and employees by type of facility , by fiscal year
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Table 2-82 |
Number of environmental health industry facilities by type of facility and prefecture - designated city - core city (regrouped)
(Excel:27KB) |
Table 2-83 |
Number of officials in charge of environmental health and food sanitation by fiscal year
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Table 2-84 |
Number of officials in charge of environmental health and food sanitation by occupational name and prefecture - designated city - core city (regrouped)
(Excel:26KB) |