ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 以前(平成9〜22年度)厚生労働科学研究費補助金の概要 > 平成22年度厚生労働科学研究費補助金の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > 障害者対策総合研究事業事前評価委員名簿 (神経・筋疾患分野)

障害者対策総合研究事業事前評価委員名簿 (神経・筋疾患分野)


納 光弘 慈愛会会長
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葛原 茂樹 鈴鹿医療科学大学保健衛生学部医療福祉学科特任教授
Kuzuhara S, Kokubo Y, Sasaki R, Narita Y, Yabana T, Hasegawa M, Iwatsubo T: Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia complex of the Kii peninsula of Japan: clinical and neuropathological study and tau analysis. Ann Neurol 49:501-511, 2001
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Tomiyama H, Kokubo Y, Sasaki R, Li Y, Imamichi Y, Funayama M, Mizuno Y, Hattori N, Kuzuhara S: Mutation analyses in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex of the Kii peninsula, Japan. Mov Disord 23:2344-2348, 2008
篠原 幸人 国家公務員共済組合連合会立川病院 院長
Shinohara Y: Hemorrhagic stroke syndrome: Clinical manifestation of intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage.
In “Handbook of Clinical Neuroloy, Vol. 93, Chap 28”, ed by Mark Fisher.
Elsevier, Edinburgh. pp577-594, 2009
Shinohara Y, Nishimaru K, Sawada T, Terashi A, Handa S, Hirai S, Hayashi K, Tohgi H, Fukuuchi Y, Uchiyama S, Yamaguchi T, Kobayashi S, Kondo K, Otomo E, Gotoh F, for the S-ACCESS Study Group: Sarpogrelate-aspirin comparative clinical study for efficacy and safety in secondary prevention of cerebral infarction. (S-ACCESS) A randomized, double-blind, aspirin-controlled trial.
Stroke 39:1827-1833, 2008
Shinohara Y, Katayama Y, Uchiyama S, Yamaguchi T, Handa S, Matsuoka K, Ohashi Y, Tanahashi N, Yamamoto H, Genka C, Kitagawa Y, Kusuoka H, Nishimaru K, Tushima M, Koretsune Y, Sawada T, Hamada C, for the CSPS 2 group: Cilostazol for prevention of secondary stroke (CSPS 2): an aspirin-controlled, double-blind, randomised non-inferiority trial.
Lancet Neurol 9:959-968, 2010
田村 晃 富士脳障害研究所附属病院院長
Thalamic atrophy following cerebral infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery. Tamura A, Tahira Y, Nagashima H, Kirino T, Gotoh O, Hojo S, Sano K. Stroke 1991; 22:615-618
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鍋島 陽一 先端医療振興財団先端医療センター・センター長
Nabeshima Y., Fujii-Kuriyama Y., Muramatsu M., and Ogata K. Alternative transcription and two modes of splicing result in two myosin light chains from one gene. Nature, 308, 333-338 (1984)
Kuro-o M., Matsumura Y., Aizawa H., Kawaguchi H., Suga T. Utsugi T., Ohyama Y., Kaname T., Kume E., Iwasaki H., Iida A., Shiraki-Iida T., Nishikawa S., Ryozo N. and Nabeshima Y. Mutation of the mouse Klotho gene leads to a syndrome resembling ageing. Nature 390, 45-51 (1997)
Imura A., Tsuji Y., Murata M., Maeda R. Kubota K., Iwano A., Obuse C., Togashi K., Tominaga M., Kita N., Tomiyama K., Iijima J., Nabehsima Y., Fujioka M., Asato R., Tanaka S., Kojima K., Ito J., Nozaki K., Hashimoto N., Ito T., Nishio T., Uchiyama T., Fujimori T., Nabehsima Y. a-Klotho as a regulator of Calcium homeostasis. Science 316, 1615-1618 (2007)
西澤 正豊 新潟大学脳研究所神経内科学分野教授
Yanagawa K, Kawachi I, Yokoseki A, Arakawa M, Hasegawa A, Ito Y, Kojima N, Koike R, Tanaka K, Kosaka T, Tan C-F, Toyoshima Y, Kakita A, Tsujita M, Sakimura K, Takahashi H, Nishizawa M: Clinical course and pathological characterization of a limited form of neuromyelitis optica with myelitis: homogeneity of pathogenesis and heterogeneity of treatment response through long-term courses of neuromyelitis optica. Neurology 2009; 73 (20): 1628-1637. PMID: 19917985
Kanazawa M, Shimohata T, Toyoshima Y, Tada M, Kakita A, Morita T, Ozawa T, Takahashi H, Nishizawa M: Cerebellar involvement in progressive supranuclear palsy: a clinicopathological study. Mov Disord 2009; 24 (9): 1312-1318. PMID: 19412943
Shimohata T, Shinoda H, Nakayama H, Ozawa T, Terajima K, Yoshizawa H, Matsuzawa Y, Onodera O, Naruse S, Tanaka K, Takahashi S, Gejyo F, Nishizawa M.: Daytime hypoxemia, sleep-disordered breathing, and laryngopharyngeal findings in multiple system atrophy. Arch Neurol 2007; 64 (6): 856-861, PMID: 17562934

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