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新興・再興感染症及び予防接種政策推進研究事業 事前評価委員名簿


倉根 一郎 国立感染症研究所・所長
Dengue virus-specific human T cell clones: serotype crossreactive proliferation, interferon production, and cytotoxic activity. Kurane I, Meager A, Ennis FA. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 1989; 170: 763-775.
Immunopathogenesis of dengue virus infections. Kurane I, Ennis FA. In Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. D Gubler ed. CAB International. Wallingford, UK. 1997; 273-290.
Dengue virus infection-enhancing activity in serum samples with neutralizing activity as determined by using FcγR-expressing cells. Moi ML, Lim CK, Chua KB, Takasaki T, Kurane I. PLoS Neglectd Tropical Diseases. 2012; 6(2): e1536.
喜田 宏 北海道大学人獣共通感染症リサーチセンター統括
*Biological activity of monoclonal antibodies to operationally defined antigenic regions on the hemagglutinin molecule of A/Seal/Massachusetts/1/80 (H7N7) influenza virus. Kida H, Brown LE and Webster RG. 1982 Virology 122, 38-47 (1982).
*Selection of H3 avian influenza viruses with SAa2,6Gal receptor specificity in pigs. Shichinohe S, Okamatsu M, Sakoda Y and Kida H. Virology. 444(1-2): 404-408 (2013).
*人獣共通感染症 初版、改訂版と改訂3版 木村哲、喜田宏 編著, 医薬ジャーナル社, (2004, 2011と2016).

*Mucosal Immunization and adjuvants. Hasegawa H, van Reit E and Kida H. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 386: 371-380 (2014).
*“For the control of avian and human influenza” Hiroshi Kida, International Conference on Influenza, London, Organizer, President, Conference Moderator, Keynote Lecture, 2015

山崎晋一朗 千葉県病院局 技監


小池和彦 東京大学消化器内科・教授
1) Okushin K, Takahashi Y, Yamamichi N, Shimamoto T, Enooku K, Fujinaga H, Tsutsumi T, Shintani Y, Sakaguchi Y, Ono S, Kodashima S, Fujishiro M, Moriya K, Yotsuyanagi H, Mitsushima T, Koike K. Helicobacter pylori infection is not associated with fatty liver disease including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a large-scale cross-sectional study in Japan. BMC Gastroenterol 2015;15(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s12876-015-0247-9. PubMed PMID: 25880912.
2) Yotsuyanagi H, Ito K, Yamada N, Takahashi H, Okuse C, Yasuda K, Suzuki M, Moriya K, Mizokami M, Miyakawa Y, Koike K. High levels of HBV after the onset lead to chronic infection in patients with acute hepatitis B. Clin Infect Dis 2013;57(7):935-942. PubMed PMID: 23704123.
3) Goto K, Hatakeyama S, Okamoto K, Kitazawa T, Abe K, Moriya K, Koike K, Yotsuyanagi H. Dengue hemorrhagic Fever in an adult traveler returning to Japan. Intern Med 2012;51(13):1779-1782. PubMed PMID: 22790145.
笹川 千尋 千葉大学真菌医学研究センター・センター長
Shigella IpaH Family Effectors as a Versatile Model for Studying Pathogenic Bacteria. Ashida H, Sasakawa C. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2016 Jan 6;5:100. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2015.00100.
Midori-ishi Cyan/monomeric Kusabira-Orange-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay for characterization of various E3 ligases. Otsubo R, Kim M, Lee J, Sasakawa C. Genes Cells. 2016 Jun;21(6):608-23. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12369.
Crystal structure of the substrate-recognition domain of the Shigella E3 ligase IpaH9.8. Takagi K, Kim M, Sasakawa C, Mizushima T. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2016 Apr;72(Pt 4):269-75. doi: 10.1107/S2053230X16002715.
高子 徹 AMED 創薬戦略部 創薬企画・評価課 課長
Takayama G, Matsumoto K, Taira T, Aonuma M, Yokoyama M, Iigo Y, Takashi T. Improvement of pulmonary function by oral treatment with aVLA-4 antagonist in a mouse asthmatic model. J. Pharmacol. Sci. 2013, 121, 172-175
Setoguchi M, Iimura S, Sugimoto Y, Yoneda Y, Chiba J, Watanabe T, Muro F, Iigo Y, Takayama G, Yokoyama M, Taira T, Aonuma M, Takashi T, Nakayama A, Machinaga N. A novel, potent, and orally active VLA-4 antagonist with good aqueous solubility: trans-4-[1-[[2-(5-fluoro-2-methylphenylamino)-7-fluoro-6-benzoxazolyl]-(5S)-[methoxy(methyl)amino]methyl-(2S)-pyrrolidinylmethoxy]cyclohexanecarboxylic acid. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2013, 21(1), 42-6
アカデミア発の革新的創薬実現のための創薬支援ネットワークの取組.高子 徹、Medchem News, Vol.25, 2015(査読なし)
堀田 博 神戸大学大学院保健学研究科・特命教授
医学教科書「シンプル微生物学 第5版第7刷」 東匡伸,小熊恵二,堀田博,編集,南江堂,(2016年8月)
HCV upregulates Bim through the ROS/JNK signalling pathway, leading to Bax-mediated apoptosis. Deng L, Chen M, Tanaka M, Ku Y, Itoh T, Shoji I, Hotta H. J Gen Virol. 2015 Sep; 96(9): 2670-2683.
Oral administration of genetically modified Bifidobacterium displaying HCV-NS3 multi-epitope fusion protein could induce an HCV-NS3-specific systemic immune response in mice. Takei S, Omoto C, Kitagawa K, Morishita N, Katayama T, Shigemura K, Fujisawa M, Kawabata M, Hotta H, Shirakawa T. Vaccine. 2014 May; 32(25): 3066-3074.
森  亨 (公財)結核予防会結核研究所名誉所長
Taijin Kaku, Fujihiko Minamoto, Richard D'Meza, Willy Morose, Jacque Boncy, Josette Bijou, Harry Geffrard, Miki Yoshida, Toru Mori: Accuracy of LAMP-TB Method for Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Haiti. Jpn. J. Infect. Dis., 69, 488?492, 2016
Kato S, Mori T: Advancing tuberculosis screening in Japan: Historical considerations and the way forward (Short Communication) . Respiratory Investigation 54, 484-486, 2016
森  亨, 小川賢二, 重藤えり子, 島尾忠男, 鈴木克洋, 露口一成, 永井英明, 松本智成, 御手洗聡, 吉山崇: 多剤耐性結核治療のための新抗結核薬の使用を巡って.結核 89(11): 813-815, 2014

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