ホーム > 政策について > 分野別の政策一覧 > 他分野の取り組み > 研究事業 > 平成24年度 厚生労働科学研究費補助金の概要 > 事前評価委員会名簿 > 難病・がん等の疾患分野の医療実用化研究事業(肝炎関係研究分野)事前評価委員名簿



宮村 達男 国立感染症研究所 名誉所員
An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis. Kuo,G., Choo,Q-L., Alter,H.J., Gitnick,G.L., Redeker,A.G., Purcell,R.H., Miyamura,T. Dienstag J.L., Alter,M.J., Stevens,C.E., Tegtmeier,G.E., Bonino,F., Colombo,M., Lee,W-S., Kuo,C., Berger,K., Shuster,J.R., Overby,L.R., Bradley,D.W., and Houghton,M. Science 244: 362-364, 1989.
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A cDNA fragment of hepatitis C virus isolated from an implicated donor of post-transfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis in Japan. Kubo,Y., Takeuchi,K., Boonmar,S., Katayama,T., Choo,Q-L., Kuo,G., Weiner,A.W., Bradley,D.W., Houghton,M., Saito,I., and Miyamura,T.  Nucl.Acids Res. 17:10367-10372, 1989.
清澤 研道 長野赤十字病院・院長
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遠藤 弘良 東京女子医科大学国際環境・熱帯医学講座主任教授
L.Savioli, D.Engels, H.Endo, Extending the benefits of deworming for development, Comment, The Lancet,Vol 365、April 30, 2005
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神代 正道 久留米大学理事長
Pathologic diagnosis of early hepatocellular carcinoma: report of the international consensus group for hepatocellular neoplasia.
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戸田 剛太郎 船員保険会せんぽ東京高輪病院名誉院長、東京慈恵会医科大学客員教授
A large-scale, double-blind trial of ursodoxycholic acid in patients eith chronic hepatitis C.
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矢野 右人 国立病院機構長崎医療センター名誉院長
Quantitative immunoelectrophoresis as a method for determination of hepatitis B antigen
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The Long-term Pathological Evolution of Chronic Hepatitis C
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山田 剛太郎 川崎医科大学総合内科学2 特任教授
Hepatitis B core and surface antigens in liver tissue. Light and electron microscopic localization by the peroxidase -labeled antibody method. Yamada G and Nakane PK. Laboratory Investigation. 1977; 36(6):646-659
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Efficacy of interferon alfa therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients depends primarily on hepatitis C virus RNA level. Yamada G, Takatani M, Kishi F, Takahashi M, Doi T, Tsuji T, Shin S, Tanno M, Ureda MS, Kolberg JA. Hepatology 1995; 22(5):1351-1354
吉澤 浩司 広島大学 名誉教授
Natural histories of hepatitis C virus infection in men and women simulated by the Markov model. Tanaka J. Kumada H. Ikeda K. Mizui M. Hino K. Katayama K. kumagai J. Kamiya Y . Miyakawa Y. Yoshizawa H. J.Med.Virol.2003,70.378-386.
Livir disease in hepatitis C vinus carriers identified at blood donation and their outcomes with or without interferon treatment:Study on 1019 carriers followed for 5-10 years. Mizui M. Yokoyama T. Tsuji K. Arataki K. Yamaguchi S. Miura T. Kitamoto M. Takezaki E. Orimen S. Sakata T. Kamada K. Maruhashi A. Tamura T. Nakamura T. Ishida K. Teramen K. Miyakawa Y. Yoshizawa H. Hepatology Reserch 2007,37.994-1001.
Minimum infectious dose of hepatitis B virus in chimpanzees and difference in dynamics of viremia between genotype A and genotype C. Komiya Y. Katayama K. Yugi H. Mizui M. Matsukura H. Tomoguri T. Miyakawa Y. Tabuchi A. Tanaka J. Yoshizawa H. Transfusion. 2008,48.286-294.

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