Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

2. Health and Medical Services
2. 保健医療

ver. ref
01 Overview of Health Care Insurance System(PDF:372KB) 26 医療保険制度の概要
02 Providing High Cost Long-Term Care Unitary Medical Care Benefit Begins (Enforced in April 2008, started providing successively from August 2009)(PDF:277KB) 27 高額介護合算療養費の支給開始(平成20年4月施行。平成21年8月より順次支給開始)
03 Conceptual Chart of Insured Medical Treatment
Example of Medical Fee Points(PDF:340KB)
28 保険診療の概念図
04 Outline of FY 2008 Revision of Medical Fee(PDF:328KB) 29 平成22年度診療報酬改定の概要
05 Same as above(PDF:244KB) 30 同上
06 Same as above(PDF:197KB) 31 同上
07 Same as above(PDF:283KB) 32 同上
08 Image of Establishment of Each Prefectural Insurance Premium Rate of National Health Insurance Association-Managed Health Insurance(PDF:283KB) 32 協会けんぽの都道府県単位保健料率の設定のイメージ
09 Changes in Medical Care Expenditure
Year-on-Year Increase of National Health Expenditure (%)(PDF:332KB)
33 医療費の動向
10 National Health Expenditure for OECD Countries (2007)
Structure of National Health Expenditure (FY 2007)(PDF:592KB)
34 OECD加盟国の医療費の状況(2007年)
11 Changes in National Medical Care Expenditure and Component Ratio(PDF:874KB) 35 国民医療費及び構成割合の推移
12 Changes in Health Expenditure for the Aged(PDF:289KB) 36 後期高齢者(老人)医療費の推移
13 Status of the Finance of the Health Insurance System (FY 2007)
Ratio of the Health Expenditure Borne by the National Treasury to the National Government's General Expenditure(PDF:398KB)
37 医療保険制度の財政状況(2007(平成19)年度決算)
14 Overview of the Law to Amend the Medical Care Law in Establishing a System that Provides High Quality Medical Care (revised in 2006)(PDF:210KB) 38 良質な医療を提供する体制の確立を図るための医療法等の一部を改正する法律の概要(平成18年改正)
15 Types of Medical Institutions(PDF:163KB) 39 医療施設の類型
16 Special Functioning Hospitals
Regional Medical Care Support Hospitals (since 1997)(PDF:248KB)
40 特定機能病院
17 Revision of Bed Classification(PDF:272KB) 41 病床区分に係る改正の経緯
18 Changes in the Number of Medical Institutions (hospitals and clinics)
Changes in the Number of Hospitals by the Establisher and by the Number of Beds(PDF:394KB)
42 医療施設(病院・診療所)数の推移
19 Changes in the Number of Hospitals by Hospital Type
Changes in the Number of Beds by Bed Type and Number of Beds per Hospital
Changes in Bed Utilization Rate and Average Length of Stay by Bed Type(PDF:457KB)
43 病院種別病院数の推移
20 Outline of National Hansen’s Disease Sanatorium, National Hospital Organization and National Centers for Advanced and Specialized Medical Care(PDF:269KB) 44 国立ハンセン病療養所及び独立行政法人国立病院機構並びに国立高度専門医療研究センター
21 Overview of the Number of Doctors, etc.(PDF:266KB) 45 医師数等の概要
22 Changes in the Number of Doctors
Changes in the Number of Dentists
Changes in the Number of Pharmacists(PDF:549KB)
46 医師数の推移
23 Changes in the Number of Nursing personnel
The 6th Projection of Estimated Supply and Demand for Nursing Personnel(PDF:358KB)
47 看護職員数の推移
24 Regional Conforming Rates
Nationwide Achievement Status(PDF:325KB)
48 地域別適合率
25 Creation of a System to Provide Information on Medical Functions
Provide explanation by documents at the time hospitalization (the Medical Care Law) (revised in FY 2006)(PDF:336KB)
49 医療機能情報の提供制度について
26 Expand Matters that can be Advertised through Revision of Advertisement Regulations (the Medical Care Law)(PDF:303KB) 50 広告規制の見直しによる広告可能な事項の拡大(医療法)
27 Overview of Medical Care Plan(PDF:281KB) 51 医療計画の概要
28 Standard Number of Beds in Prefectural Medical Care Plans and Number of Existing Beds(PDF:1,279KB) 52 都道府県別医療計画における基準病床数及び既存病床数の状況
29 Structural Chart of Emergency Medical Service(PDF:194KB) 53 救急医療体系図
30 Structural Chart of the 10th Measures for Health and Medical Services in Remote Areas (since FY 2006~2010)
Current Status of Measures for Health and Medical Services in Remote Areas(PDF:336KB)
54 第10次 へき地保健医療対策の鳥瞰図(平成18年度~平成22年度)
31 Medical Safety Measures(PDF:660KB) 55 医療安全対策
32 History of Clinical Resident Training System
Overview of Clinical Resident Training System(PDF:439KB)
56 臨床研修制度に関する経緯
33 Outline of System Reform
Re-education Training of Administratively Punished Doctors, etc. (the Medical Practitioners Law, etc.)(PDF:206KB)
57 制度見直しの概要
34 Transfer of Non-profit Medical Corporation System with the Revised Medical Care Law(PDF:286KB) 58 改正医療法に伴う医療法人の移行
35 Activities of Health Centers(PDF:404KB) 59 保健所の活動
36 Changes in the Number of Health Centers
Medical Personnel at Health Centers
Changes in the Number of Public Health Nurses(PDF:353KB)
60 保健所数の推移
37 Basic Act on Measures against Hepatitis(PDF:204KB) 61 肝炎対策基本法
38 Outline of Basic Act on Measures against Hepatitis ( Act. No.97 of the year 2009)(PDF:180KB) 62 肝炎対策基本法(平成21 年法律第97 号)の概要
39 Changes in National Health Promotion Measures(PDF:542KB) 63 健康づくり対策の変遷
40 Overview of the Health Promotion Law(PDF:146KB) 64 健康増進法の概要
41 Outline of Results from 2008 National Health and Nutrition Survey(PDF:316KB) 65 平成20年国民健康・栄養調査結果の概要について
42 Status of formulating health promotion plans in prefectures /municipalities(PDF:725KB) 66 全国の自治体における健康増進計画の策定状況
43 Number of Patients/Deaths Related to Lifestyle Diseases
Estimated Numbers Related to Diabetes(PDF:280KB)
67 生活習慣病に関する患者数、死亡数
44 Status of Patients and Those Having a High Risk of Contracting Metabolic Syndrome (Visceral Fat Syndrome)
Status of Exercise Habits(PDF:532KB)
68 メタボリックシンドローム(内臓脂肪症候群)該当者・予備群の状況
45 Changes in the Distribution of the Fat Energy Ratio (20 or Older)
Average Intake of Vegetables, etc. (20 or Older, by Sex/Age)(PDF:756KB)
69 脂肪エネルギー比率の分布の推移(20歳以上)
46 Percentage of People who Skip Breakfast (1 or Older, by Sex/Age)
Status of Smoking Rate(PDF:645KB)
70 朝食の欠食率(1歳以上、性・年齢階級別)
47 8020 (Eighty-Twenty) Campaign
Changes in Percentage of People Having 20 or More Teeth of Their Own by Age Group(PDF:531KB)
71 8020(ハチマル・ニイマル)運動
48 Future Direction of the "3rd-term Comprehensive 10-year Cancer Control Strategy"(PDF:257KB) 72 「第3次対がん10か年総合戦略」における今後の方向
49 Overview of the “Cancer Control Act”(PDF:184KB) 73 がん対策基本法の概要
50 Overview of the Basic Plan to Promote Cancer Control Programs(PDF:202KB) 74 がん対策推進基本計画の概要
51 Overview of Cancer Control(PDF:303KB) 75 がん対策の概要
52 Statistics Related to Cancer(PDF:275KB) 76 がんに関する統計
53 Overview of Measures against Intractable Diseases(PDF:522KB) 77 難病対策の概要
54 Number of Recipient Certificates Issued for Specific Disease Treatment(PDF:458KB) 78 特定疾患治療受給者証交付件数
55 Summary of the Law Regarding Infectious Disease Prevention and Medical Care for the Patients(PDF:312KB) 79 感染症の予防及び感染症の患者に対する医療に関する法律の概要
56 Same as above(PDF:131KB) 80 同上
57 Subject Diseases and Subject People of Regular Vaccination
Benefits Type and Amount of Relief System for Injury to Health with Vaccination(PDF:610KB)
81 定期の予防接種の対象疾病及び対象者
58 Overview of Prevention Measures against
Changes in the Number of Newly Registered Tuberculosis Patients, Prevalence Rate, and the Number of Deaths(PDF:352KB)
82 結核予防対策の概要
59 Prevalence Rate of Tuberculosis by Prefectures (As of the End of 2008)
International Comparison of Prevalence Rate of Tuberculosis(PDF:275KB)
83 結核羅患率の都道府県別主な順位(平成20年末現在)
60 Overview of Measures for AIDS Control(PDF:420KB) 84 エイズ対策の概要
61 Overview of Guidelines for AIDS Prevention(PDF:334KB) 85 エイズ予防指針の概要
62 Changes in the Number of HIV Carriers and AIDS Patients by Nationality and Sex
AIDS Patients in the Worlds (as of the end of 2008, UNAIDS / WHO report)(PDF:847KB)
86 HIV感染者及びAIDS患者の国籍、性別推移
63 Countermeasures against Novel Influenza A
Outbreak Situation of Novel Influenza (H1N1) In the World(PDF:2,515KB)
87 新型インフルエンザ対策
64 Organ Transplantation System
Organ Transplantation Network System Diagram
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation System(PDF:526KB)
88 臓器移植体制
65 Accumulated number of Organ Transplantations
Changes in Numbers of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Practiced(PDF:214KB)
89 臓器移植の累計件数
66 Classification of Examinations for the Approval of Drugs, etc.
Flow of Examination for the Approval of New Drugs(PDF:452KB)
90 医薬品等の承認審査の分類
67 Number of Approvals for Marketing Drugs, etc.
Number of Approvals for Manufacturing/Import/Marketing Drugs, etc. (2008)
Number of Approvals for Manufacturing Drugs, etc.(PDF:263KB)
91 医薬品等の製造販売業許可数
68 Classification of Examination for the Approval of Medical Devices
Number of Approvals for Marketing Medical Devices
Number of Approvals for Manufacturing, Import, and Marketing Medical Devices (2009)
Number of Approvals for Manufacturing Medical Devices(PDF:354KB)
92 医療機器の承認審査の仕組み
69 Structure of Postmarketing Safety Measures for Drugs
Flow of Postmarketing Survey and Reexamination/Reevaluation of Drugs
Outline of the Adverse Drug Reaction, etc. Reporting System(PDF:446KB)
93 医薬品の製造販売後の安全対策の仕組み
70 Results of Prescription Drug Reexamination
Results of Prescription Drug Reevaluation
Changes in the Number of Reports on Adverse Drug Reaction, etc. in the Past 5 Years
Changes in the Number of Reports on Medical Device Malfunction, etc. in the Past 5 Years(PDF:361KB)
94 医療用医薬品再審査結果一覧表
71 The Relief System for Sufferers from Adverse Drug Reactions, etc.
Changes in the Status of Adverse Drug Reaction Relief (as of the end of each FY)(PDF:395KB)
95 [医薬品副作用被害救済制度]他
72 Process and Period of New Drug Development
Schematic Chart on Research and Development of Drugs
Breakdown of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers by Size(PDF:401KB)
96 新薬開発の過程と期間
73 Overview of the Five-Year Strategy for Creation of Innovative Drugs/Medical Devices(PDF:451KB) 97 革新的医薬品・医療機器創出のための5か年戦略の概要
74 Amount of Production, etc. of Medical Devices
Amount of Production by Medical Device Type(PDF:278KB)
98 医療機器の生産額等
75 The System of Separation of Dispensing and Prescribing Drugs
Changes in the Number of Pharmacies and Prescriptions(PDF:304KB)
99 医薬分業の体制
76 Blood Products, etc.
Change in the number of blood donors
Changes in the Number of Blood Donors and Donated Blood Volume(PDF:449KB)
100 [血液製剤]他
77 Health Risk Management System Diagram(PDF:296KB) 101 厚生労働省健康危機管理体制のイメージ図

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