Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Press Release


Summary Report of Results of the General Survey on Working Conditions 2010
~ The percentage of enterprises with “retirement age of 65 and over” is 13.3% ~


The results of the General Survey on Working Conditions 2010 are summarized and announced as follows.


1 Retirement age system

(1) Out of the enterprises with a retirement age system (93.1%), 98.7% of such enterprises have a “uniform retirement age system”. Out of the enterprises having a uniform retirement age system, 15.7% of the enterprises set the retirement age at “63 and over” (16.0% in the previous year) and 13.3% of the enterprises set the retirement age at “65 and over” (13.5% in the previous year).

[ Table 10(Excel: 29KB) , Table 11(Excel: 31KB)]

(2) In order to maintain consistency with enterprises covered by other surveys, the subject of the survey was changed to “enterprises with 30 or more regular employees” from 2008. For the purpose of comparison with the results in 2007 and before, when the latest results are re-tabulated on the basis of “enterprises which have 30 or more regular employees in their headquarters”, the percentage of enterprises with a retirement age of “63 and over” is 16.3%, and the percentage of enterprises with a retirement age of “65 and over” is 13.8%: the both percentages are the highest ever.

2 System of labor hours

“The number of annual paid leaves used” is 8.5 days and “the rate of use” is 47.1% (47.4% in the previous year). They remain mostly unchanged.

[ Table 5(Excel: 28KB)]

3 Wage system

(1) The percentage of enterprises adopting the “annual wage system” is 13.4% and the percentage of the enterprises adopting the “monthly wage” is 94.1%. (Multiple answers permitted)

[ Table 16(Excel: 30KB)]

(2) The percentage of enterprises with “performance evaluation system” is 45.1%.
When re-tabulated on the basis of “enterprises which have 30 or more regular employees in their headquarters”, the percentage becomes 45.6% and remains unchanged from 45.6% in the previous year.

[ Table 18(Excel: 28KB)]

(Note) The figures with “※" mark in the “Summary Report of Results of the General Survey on Working Conditions 2010” are the results of the survey, which are tabulated on the basis of “enterprises which have 30 or more regular employees in their headquarters”. These figures are used for comparison with the survey in 2007 or before.

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