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Statistics 1   Breakdown of siblings: newly born brother(s)/sister(s) (see also p.3 Table 1 and Figure 1)

  Total number W/younger sibling(s) (Previously reported) W/o younger sibling(s)
Increased from the 1st to 2nd Survey Increased from the 2nd to 3rd survey
Total number 42 803 8246 1647 6632 34557
  W/ elder sibling(s) 21 898 1887 425 1470 20011
W/o elder sibling(s) 20 905 6359 1222 5162 14546
Boys 22 220 4310 885 3443 17910
  W/ elder sibling(s) 11 528 1014 232 784 10514
W/o elder sibling(s) 10 692 3296 653 2659 7396
Girls 20 583 3936 762 3189 16647
  W/ elder sibling(s) 10 370 873 193 686 9497
W/o elder sibling(s) 10 213 3063 569 2503 7150

Statistics 2   Changes in the number of siblings (see also p.3 Table 2)

  Second Survey
Total 1 (Only child) 2 3 or more
3rd Survey Total 41657 19171 16238 6248
1 (Only child) 14157 14139 15 3
2 20004 4981 14998 25
3 or more 7496 51 1225 6220
1)  Calculated based on total responses from the 2nd and 3rd surveys.
2)  (  ) means those who didn't have any additional siblings.

Statistics 3   Changes in the composition of families living together (see also p.3 Table 3)

  First Survey Second Survey Third Survey
Total 47015 43925 42803
Living with parents 45902 42581 41057
  W/ parents, or parents & sibling(s) 36029 33149 31940
  W/ parents only 17970 15639 11119
W/parents and siblings 18059 17510 20821
W/ parents and grand parent(s) 9648 9256 8933
  W/ parents and mother's parent(s) 2557 2479 2435
W/ parents and father's parent(s) 7057 6759 6463
W/ parents and grandparents 34 18 35
W/ parents and others 225 176 184
Living with single parent 1072 1313 1723
  W/ mother only, or mother & sibling(s) 396 530 743
W/ mother and grandparents, etc. 662 730 882
W/ father only, or father & sibling(s) - 9 23
W/ father and grandparents, etc. 14 44 75
Others 27 30 22
1)  Calculated based on total responses from each survey.
2)  "Total includeds in the total number of the"unknown" of composition of families living together.

Statistics 4   Fathers working away from home (see also p.3 Table 4)

  Total Living with Living separately Working away from home Others (Previously reported) Working away from home
  Working away from home
2nd Survey 43925 42684 523 230 1061 753
3rd Survey 42803 41155 803 230 1418 1033
1)  Calculated based on total responses from each survey.
2)  The "fathers working away from home" in the "living together" category means those who go back home regularly.

Statistics 5   Changes in proportion of mothers with a job (see also p.4 Figure 2)

  Total Unemployed Employed Unknown
First Survey 41524 30702 10388 434
Second Survey 41524 28529 12783 212
Third Survey 41524 26725 14535 264
Note:  The above figures represent total responses only where children live with their mothers through 1st to 3rd surveys

Statistics 6   Changes in employment status of mothers in terms of whether or not living with grandparents
(see also p.4 Table 5)

  2nd Survey
Total Unemployed Employed
  (Previously reported) Seeking a job   (Previously reported) Full time (Previously reported) Part time
3rd Survey Total 41539 28538 3348 12789 6200 4053
Unemployed 26734 25038 2013 1570 309 660
Employed 14541 3299 1315 11161 5880 3361
Living separately from grandparents 32054 23036 2471 8865 4308 2884
Unemployed 21741 20510 1539 1135 222 477
Employed 10115 2371 916 7692 4080 2384
Living with grandparents 9485 5502 877 3924 1892 1169
Unemployed 4993 4528 474 435 87 183
Employed 4426 928 399 3469 1800 977
1)  The above figures represent total responses only where children live with their mothers at both times of the Second and Third Surveys.
2)  "Unemployed" in the 2nd survey includes "job-seeking status is unknown" and students. "Employed" includes "self-employed or family business", "side job", and "others"
3)  In the "Total" of the Second survey, "unemployed or "employed" includes "Unknown".
4)  "Total" in the 3rd survey includes "Unknown" in terms of status of "family members living together" and "mother's occupation".
(    )  means no change in terms of mother's occupation status.

Statistics 7   Mother's occupation (see also p.4 Figure 3)

  Newly employed during the past year Employed since one-year before deliveries
Total 3299 7902
  Professional or technical work 599 2985
Managerial work 16 99
Deskwork 762 2591
Sales work 492 578
Service work 694 776
Security service work 1 43
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 75 116
Transportation and communications 24 24
Product processing/manufacturing 458 517
Others 178 173
Note:  Calculated based on total responses only where children live with their mothers through First to Third Surveys.

Statistics 8   Change in employment status of mothers with only one child at the time of the First Survey
(see also p.5 Figure 4)

One year before delivery First Survey Second Survey Third Survey Mothers who delivered another child(ren) by the time of the Third Survey Mothers with only one child by the time of the Third Survey
One year before delivery First Survey Second Survey Third Survey One year before delivery First Survey Second Survey Third Survey
Total Total Total Total 6056 6056 6056 6056 13775 13775 13775 13775
Unemployed Unemployed Unemployed Unemployed 1428 1383 1323 1274 3617 3512 3242 2973
Employed 49 269
Employed Unemployed 60 27 270 68
Employed 33 202
Employed Unemployed Unemployed 45 18 16 105 28 16
Employed 2 12
Employed Unemployed 27 8 77 12
Employed 19 65
Employed Unemployed Unemployed Unemployed 4628 3254 2991 2814 10158 6752 5683 4911
Employed 177 772
Employed Unemployed 263 155 1069 200
Employed 108 869
Employed Unemployed Unemployed 1374 297 236 3406 444 316
Employed 61 128
Employed Unemployed 1077 157 2962 150
Employed 920 2812
Total number of the Unemployed of each survey (%) 1428 (23.6) 4637 (76.6) 4629 (76.4) 4687 (77.4) 3617 (26.3) 10264 (74.5) 9397 (68.2) 8646 (62.8)
Total number of the Employed of each survey (%) 4628 (76.4) 1419 (23.4) 1427 (23.6) 1369 (22.6) 10158 (73.7) 3511 (25.5) 4378 (31.8) 5129 (37.2)
The number of mothers who were employed one year before deliveries, and were unemployed at the 1st Survey, then back to the status of employed (%)   263 (8.1) 285 (8.8)   1069 (15.8) 1641 (24.3)
Note:  Calculated based on total responses only where children live with their mothers through First to Third Surveys. Excluding those whose employment status are Unknown.

Statistics 9   Usual caregivers in the breakdown of family members living together (Multiple answers)
(see also p.6 Table 6)

  Total Mother Father Grandmother on mother's side Grandfather on mother's side Grandmother on father's side Grandfather on father's side Nursery school teacher Nursery mother or baby sitter Others
2nd Survey 43 925 41 835 21 703 6 695 2 526 5 486 2 380 8 061 218 1 040
3rd Survey 42 803 39 734 19 081 6 274 2 429 5 153 2 189 11 374 182 991
Living with parents 41 057 38 384 19 019 5 580 2 169 5 015 2 135 10 355 167 898
  W/ parents, or parents & sibling(s) only 31 940 30 291 15 999 3 749 1 470 1 708 771 7 823 140 500
  W/ parents only 11 119 10 495 5 982 1 514 571 636 309 2 882 54 161
W/ parents and sibling(s) 20 821 19 796 10 017 2 235 899 1 072 462 4 941 86 339
W/ parents and grand parent(s) 8 933 7 926 2 943 1 820 697 3 302 1 363 2 475 26 370
  W/ parents and mother's parent(s) 2 435 2 125 724 1 520 572 69 11 656 8 121
W/ parents and father's parent(s) 6 463 5 772 2 208 290 121 3 222 1 349 1 807 17 248
W/ parents and grand parents 35 29 11 10 4 11 3 12 1 1
W/ parents and others 184 167 77 11 2 5 1 57 1 28
Living with single parent 1 723 1 350 62 681 255 132 50 1 009 15 87
Others 22 - - 13 5 6 4 10 - 5
1)  Calculated based on total responses from each survey
2)  Total includes the number of "Unknown" in "Usual caregivers" and in "the composition of families living together."

Statistics 10   Changes in the proportion of caregivers (see also p.6 Figure 5)

  First Survey Second Survey Third Survey
Total 41657 41657 41657
Mother only 17383 12475 12475
Parents only 13653 12052 9962
Mother and grandparents 3008 4185 3886
Parents and grandparents etc. 5371 4496 3483
Combination with nursery school teachers, etc. 790 7431 9976
Other combinations 1443 1002 1849
Unknown 9 16 26
Note:  Calculated based on total responses from the First to Third Surveys.

Statistics 11   Dwelling types in the breakdown of urban/rural areas and family members living together
(see also p.7 Table 7)

  Total Parents only Parents and siblings only Parents and grandparent(s) Parents and others Single parent Others
Total 42803 11119 20821 8933 184 1723 22
  Single family houses 22246 3331 9271 8533 146 950 14
Collective housings 20352 7741 11450 368 38 749 6
Unknown 205 47 100 32 - 24 2
14 major cities 9372 3065 4930 990 36 346 5
  Single family houses 2919 558 1372 835 24 128 2
Collective housings 6397 2488 3535 148 12 211 3
Unknown 56 19 23 7 - 7 -
Other cities 25140 6585 12493 4921 101 1034 6
  Single family houses 13194 2070 5767 4718 80 556 3
Collective housings 11832 4492 6661 189 21 467 2
Unknown 114 23 65 14 - 11 1
Rural areas 8224 1437 3363 3022 47 343 11
  Single family houses 6111 693 2120 2980 42 266 9
Collective housings 2079 740 1231 31 5 71 1
Unknown 34 4 12 11 - 6 1
Note:  Living "abroad" and family members living together "Unknown" are also included in the total.

Statistics 12   Bedtime and wakeup time for children (see also p.7 Table 8)

  2nd Survey 3rd Survey: wakeup time
Bedtime Total Before 6 am 6:00 - 6:59 am 7:00 - 7:59 am 8:00 - 8:59 am 9:00 - 9:59 am After 10:00 am Irregular Unknown
Bed time Total (41657) 41657 542 7516 19356 9459 2799 707 1101 177
Before 8 pm (703) 540 84 284 156 13 2 1 - -
8:00 - 8:59 pm (6217) 4364 242 1905 1969 225 16 1 5 1
9:00 - 9:59 pm (17111) 16334 175 4195 9572 2165 182 12 27 6
10:00 - 10:59 pm (11063) 13238 34 990 6414 4656 973 67 100 4
After 11:00 pm (4237) 5033 3 58 785 1926 1425 570 259 7
Irregular (1588) 1867 4 54 400 451 196 54 707 1
Unknown (738) 281 - 30 60 23 5 2 3 158
Note:  Calculated based on total responses from the 2nd and 3rd Surveys.

Statistics 13   Sleeping hours in the breakdown of nap frequency for children (see also p.7 Table 9)

  Sleeping hours
Total Less than 8 hours In the range of 8 hours In the range of 9 hours In the range of 10 hours In the range of 11 hours Irregular Unknown
Nap Total 42803 910 3176 12634 17201 6229 2337 316
Everyday 30239 784 2650 10669 12322 2589 1116 109
Sometimes 9344 115 471 1724 3893 2106 988 47
Rarely 3064 10 55 236 984 1534 232 13
Unknown 156 1 - 5 2 - 1 147
Note:  Nap hours are not included in the sleeping hours.

Statistics 14   Children's nap frequency in the breakdown of caregivers in the day (see also p.8 Table 10)

  Total Everyday Sometimes Rarely Unknown
Total 42803 30239 9344 3064 156
Mother 30254 18694 8506 2952 102
Father 89 62 22 3 2
Grandmother 2104 1587 435 76 6
Grandfather 149 107 33 8 1
Nursery school teacher 9905 9559 291 13 42
Nursery mother/Babysitter 53 48 4 1 -
Others 112 81 24 6 1
Unknown 137 101 29 5 2

Statistics 15   Concerns about children's eating behavior in the breakdown of the combination of caregivers
(multiple answers) (see also p.8 Table 11)

  Total Concerned Not concerned in particular
  Eats very little Eats too much or very little at times Has many likes and dislikes Does not bite well Does not sit still when eating Skips breakfast sometimes Other
Total 42803 34180 4852 19034 10698 7886 20383 5051 2584 8312
Mother only 12802 10141 1599 5570 3272 2311 5857 1368 741 2558
Parents only 10125 8162 1239 4503 2808 1941 4682 1036 640 1896
Mother and grandparents, etc. 3973 3283 524 1919 1007 747 2129 521 272 658
Parents and grandparents, etc. 3573 2982 451 1803 943 689 1920 488 234 572
Mother and nursery school teachers, etc. 2936 2297 248 1269 681 525 1337 398 153 616
Parents and nursery school teachers, etc. 3485 2742 278 1427 781 657 1643 440 220 731
Mother, grandparents, nursery school teachers, etc. 1029 810 91 442 222 179 504 140 66 205
Parents, grandparents, and nursery school teachers, etc. 1811 1420 139 786 389 326 905 243 116 376
Grandparents and others only; or grandparents and nursery school teachers, etc. 1080 836 125 481 208 179 546 128 58 240
Other combinations 1962 1488 156 823 382 328 846 284 84 453
Employment status of mother  
  Unemployed 27326 22056 3413 12244 7288 5184 13089 3086 1691 5079
  Employed 15077 11810 1387 6614 3321 2641 7101 1912 877 3157
1)  Caregiver combinations "Unknown" as well as concerned or not concerned "Unknown" are included in the total.
2)  Employment status of mother only includes data where the child lives together with his/her mother.

Statistics 16   Concerns about eating behaviors in the breakdown of children's obesity (multiple answers)
(see also p.8 Table 12)

  Total Concerned Not concerned in particular
  Eats very little Eats too much or very little at times Has many likes and dislikes Does not bite well Does not sit still when eating Skips breakfast sometimes Other
Total 42803 34180 4852 19034 10698 7886 20383 5051 2584 8312
Slightly underweight 4068 3383 1102 2014 1032 632 2057 550 210 646
Normal 25481 20450 2713 11472 6537 4735 12323 2901 1495 4870
Slightly obese 5095 3909 167 1847 1173 1128 2194 569 430 1149
Unknown 8159 6438 870 3701 1956 1391 3809 1031 449 1647
Note:  Concerned or not concerned "Unknown" is also included in the total.

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