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一色賢司 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院 教授
Efficiency of Sodium Hypochlorite and Calcinated Calcium in Killing Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Salmonella spp., and Staphylococcus aureus Attached to Freshly Shredded Cabbage, S. Fukuyama, Y. Watanabe, N. Kondo, T. Nishinomiya, S. Kawamoto, K. Isshiki, M. Murata; Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73 (1), 9-14 (2009)。
Regulatory issues in Japan regarding produce safety,"The Produce Contamination Problem: Causes and Solutions", K.Isshiki, M.L.Bari, S.Kawamoto, T.Shiina; Edited by G.M.Sapers, , E.B.Solomon, . K.R.Matthews, (Academic Press: San Diego), p.353-392 (2009)


品川 森一 帯広畜産大学名誉教授
Phosphorylation of nonhistone chromosomal proteins in dog kidney cells infected with infectious canine hepatitis virus. Shinagawa, M., Eto, S. and Yanagawa, R. Virology 66: 161-171, (1975).
Comparative sequence analysis of the inverted terminal repetitions from different adenoviruses. Shinagawa, M. and Padmanabhan, R.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77: 3831-3835, (1980)
Scrapie, Chronic Wasting Disease, and Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy. In Prion Biology and Diseases. Laplanche, J.-L., Hunter, N., Shinagawa, M., Williams, E. Monograph 38 (Prusiner, S.B. ed), pp. 393-429, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York (1999).


白井 智之 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科実験病態病理・教授
Nabae, K., Doi, Y., Takahashi, S., Ichihara, T., Toda, C., Ueda, K., Okamoto, Y., Kojima, N., Tamano, S., Shirai, T.: Toxicity of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) under conditions of renal dysfunction induced with folic acid in rats: Enhancement of male reproductive toxicity of DEHP is associated with an increase of the mono-derivative. Reprod. Toxicol., 22: 411-417, 2006.
Ogawa, K., Nabae, K., Wang, J., Wake, K., Watanabe, S., Kawabe, M., Fujiwara, O., Takahashi, S., Ichihara, T., Tamano, S., Shirai, T.: Effects of gestational exposure to 1.95-GHz W-CDMA signals for IMT-2000 cellular phones:Lack of embryotoxicity and teratogenicity in rats. Bioelectromagnetics, 2009.
Matsumoto, H., Yakabe, Y., Saito, K., Sumida, K., Sekijima, M., Nakayama, K., Miyaura, H., Saito, F., Otsuka, M., Shirai, T.: Discrimination of carcinogens by hepatic transcript profiling in rats following 28-day a administration. Cancer Informatics, 7: 253-269 2009


田嶼 尚子 東京慈恵会医科大学内科学講座(糖尿病・代謝・内分泌内科)・主任教授
Pravastatin reduces the risk for cardiovascular disease in Japanese hyperchoresterolemic patients with impaired fasting glucose or diabetes. Tajima N, Kurata H, Nakaya N, Mizuno K, Ohashi Y, Kushiro T, Teramoto T, Uchiyama S, Nakayama H.: diabetes subanalysis of the management of elevated cholesterol in the primary prevention group of adult Japanese (MEGA) study. Atherosclerosis 2008; 199: 455-62.
Voglibose for prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus: a randomized, double-blind trial in Japanese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance. Ryuzo Kawamori, Naoko Tajima, Yasuhiko Iwamoto, Atsunori Kashiwagi, Kazuaki Shimamoto, Kohei Kaku, on behalf of the Voglibose ph-3 Study Group. Lancet 2009; 373: 1607-14.
Hemoglobin A1c in predicting progression to diabetes. Tomoko Nakagami, Naoko Tajima, Toshihide Oizumi, Shigeru Karasawa, Kiriko Wada, Wataru Kameda, Shinji Susa, Takeo Kato, Makoto Daimon. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2010; 87: 126-31.


寺本昭二 財団法人残留農薬研究所・理事長
Two-generation reproduction toxicity study in rats with 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenylethane (p,p'-DDT). Hojo H, Aoyama H, Takahashi KL, Shimizu N, Araki M, Takizawa Y, Sakasai K, Kuwahara M, Saka M, Teramoto S. Cong. Anom., 2006; 46:105-114.
Pathogenetic transition in the morphology of abnormal sperm in the testes and the caput, corpus, and cauda epididymides of male rats after treatment with 4,6-dinitro-o-cresol. Takahashi KL, Takahashi N, Hojo H, Kuwahara M, Aoyama H, Teramoto S. Reprod. Toxicol., 2006;22:501-507.
Assessment of airway sensitization potential of inhaled trimellitic anhydride by monitoring the elicitation phase in a mouse model. Ueda H, Ebino K, Kosaka T, Nakashima N, Chiba Y, Harada T, Teramoto S. J. Immunotoxicol., 2007; 4:97-106.


豊田正武 実践女子大学 教授
Profiles of potentially antiallergic flavonoids in 27 kinds of health tea and green tea infusions. Toyoda M. Tanaka K. Hoshino K. Akiyama H. Tanimura A. Saito Y. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 1997:45:2561‐2564
日本における食事経由のPCDDs、PCDFs及びCoplanar PCBsの摂取量  豊田正武、内部博泰、柳俊彦、河野洋一、堀就英、飯田隆雄 食品衛生学雑誌 1999 : 40(1) : 98-110
調理加工モデル食品を用いたアレルゲン検査用イムノクロマトキットの評価森下直樹、秋山恵利、有川奈津美、飯田知美、多勢加奈子、浜路麻衣、平岡里海、白柳利江子、上條茂徳、松本貴之、高畑能久、森松文毅、豊田正武 食品衛生学雑誌 2006:47(2):66-75


名取 道也 国立成育医療センター・研究所長
名取道也、田中 守、河野八朗、石本人士、森定 優、小林俊文、野澤志朗:YAGレーザーを用い胎盤血管凝固術を施行した双胎間輸血症候群の一例. 日本産科婦人科学会雑誌1992;44(1):117-120 
Ishimoto H,Natori M,Tanaka M,Miyazaki T,Kobayashi T,Yoshimura Y: Role of oxygen-derived free radicals in fetal growth retardation induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rats. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 1997;272:H701-H705
Kohno H, Natori M, Aoki R, Takeuchi Y, Yoshimura Y: Effect of Diagnostic-Level Ultrasound on Mouse Embryo Development.J Med Ultrasound 2000;8(2):81-86


早川 堯夫 近畿大学薬学総合研究所・所長
Kinoshita M, Ohta H, Higaki K, Kojima Y, Urashima T, Nakajima K, Suzuki M, Kovacs KM, Lydersen C, Hayakawa T, Kakehi K.:Structural characterization of multi-branched oligosaccharides from seal milk by combination of off-line HPLC-MALDI-TOF MS and sequential exoglycosidase digestion. Anal Biochem., 388, 242-53 (2009)
Shibata H, Yoshioka Y, Ohkawa A, Minowa K, Mukai Y, Abe Y, Taniai M, Nomura T, Kayamuro H, Nabeshi H, Sugita T, Imai S, Nagano K, Yoshikawa T, Fujita T, Nakagawa S, Yamamoto A, Ohta T, Hayakawa T, Mayumi T, Vandenabeele P, Aggarwal BB, Nakamura T, Yamagata Y, Tsunoda S, Kamada H, and Tsutsumi Y.: Creation and X-ray structure analysis of the tumor necrosis factor receptor-1-selective mutant of a tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist, J Biol Chem., 283,998-1007(2008)
Nakamura T., Peng K-W., Vongpunsawad S., Mizuguchi H., Hayakawa T,, Cattaneo R., and Russell S.J.: Antibody-targeted cell fusion, Nature Biotech., 22, 331-336 (2004)

福島 昭治 中央労働災害防止協会 
Lack of a dose-response relationship for carcinogenicity in the rat liver with low doses of 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline or N-nitrosodiethylamine. Fukushima, S., Wanibuchi, H., Morimura, K., Wei, M., Nakae, D., Konishi, Y., Tsuda, H., Uehara, N., Imaida, K., Shirai, T., Tatematsu, M., Tsukamoto, T., Hirose, M., Furukawa, F., Wakabayashi, K. and Totsuka, Y.: Jpn. J. Cancer Res. 93, 1076-1082, 2002.
Existence of a threshold for induction of aberrant crypt foci in the rat colon with low doses of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenolimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine. Fukushima, S., Wanibuchi, H., Morimura, K., Iwai, S., Nakae, D., Kishida, H., Tsuda, H., Uehara, N., Imaida, K., Shirai, T., Tatematsu, M., Tsukamoto, T., Hirose, M. and Furukawa, F.: Toxicol. Sci., 80, 109-114, 2004.
Hormesis and dose-response-mediated mechanisms in carcinogenesis: evidence for a threshold in carcinogenicity of non-genotoxic carcinogens. Fukushima, S., Kinoshita, A., Puatanachokchai, R., Kushida, M., Wanibuchi, H. and Morimura, K.: Carcinogenesis, 26, 1835-1845, 2005.


藤井 建夫 東京家政大学・特任教授
Development of a multilocus variable-number of tandem repeat typing method for Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b(S. Miya, B. Kimura, M. Sato, H. Takahashi, T. Ishikawa, T. Suda, C. Takakura, T. Fujii and M. Wiedmann), Int. J. Food Microbiol., 124(3), 239-249 (2008).
Induction of the histidine decarboxylase genes of Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae (formally P. histaminium) at low pH (B. Kimura, H. Takahashi, S. Hokimoto, Y. Tanaka, T. Fujii), J. Appl. Microbiol., 107, 485-497 (2009)


吉川泰弘 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科・教授

Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Epidemiological study on BSE outbreak in Japan, J.Vet.Med.Sci., 70, 325-336, 2008

Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Current status and measures of zoonosis control in Japan. Glob. Environ. Res., 12, 55-62, 2008



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