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井上 達 | 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所安全性生物試験研究センター毒性部長 |
松尾 昌季 | 通商産業省化学品審議会専門委員 |
青山 博昭 | 財団法人残留農薬研究所毒性部毒性第2研究室分室主任 |
菅野 純 | 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所毒性部室長 |
他 |
会議はカナダ、フランス、米国、日本等9カ国及び関係団体等の専門家25名とOECD事務局2名から構成され、議題に掲げた3つの試験法に関する専門的な討議が重ねられた。これらの試験法のうち、子宮肥大反応試験(Uterotorophic Assay)及び去勢雄ラット反応試験(Hershberger assay)については女性ホルモン及び男性ホルモンを修飾したり影響する化学物質の作用を検出するものであり、28日間反復投与毒性試験については従来からOECD加盟国の間で広く使用されていた試験法を内分泌かく乱作用を検出できるように補強されたものである。
The development of tests to identify potential endocrine disrupting substances took a major step forward at an OECD Expert Meeting in Tokyo this week, with test protocols and arrangements for validation being agreed.
Endocrine disrupters are chemicals, which can mimic the action of sex hormones in the body and therefore have the potential to disrupt hormonal activity in humans and animals. In order to find out which of the chemicals on the market today and used in a wide range of products can have such potential effects, a number of test methods need to be developed.
Tests for identifying chemicals which interact with sex hormones have been used by research laboratories, e.g., to test pharmaceuticals, however a large number of chemicals, some commonly available, have yet to be screened.
Experts from OECD Member countries, industry and environmental NGOs agreed upon three test methods, which will contribute to the screening of chemicals for endocrine related effects. These test methods include two which detect the ability of a chemical to enhance or modify naturally occurring female and male sex hormones (Uterotrophic and Hershberger assays). The third method aims to adapt an existing OECD Test Guideline already used widely in OECD Member countries for repeat dose toxicity tests.
The validity of the proposed tests will now be studied in a number of laboratories in North America, Japan, and Europe. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare will continue to take a leading role in the validation of the Uterotrophic assay. The European Chemical Industry will take the lead on the further development of the existing OECD Test Guideline.
Adoption of harmonised test methods will enable OECD Member countries to share the results of their testing and so avoid duplicative testing and creation of non-tariff barriers to trade.
These test methods are part of the work of the OECD Environmental Health and Safety Programme to assist OECD Member countries in developing harmonised and high quality instruments for the protection of human health and the environment.
For further information, please contact: Lesley Onyon, Environmental Health and Safety Division, OECD, Paris, Tel 33 1 45 24 9849, Fax 33 1 45 24 1675, e-mail Lesley.Onyon@oecd.org
仮 訳
提示された試験の妥当性に関し北米、日本及び欧州の多くの試験機関で今後検討される。このうち子宮肥大反応試験の検証に関しては日本の厚生省が引き続き指導的役割を担い、欧州化学工業(The European Chemical Industry)は、既存のOECD試験ガイドラインの更なる整備に関して指導的な役割を担う。
OECD環境衛生安全課 レスリー・オニオン(Ms. Lesley Onyon)
Tel +33 1 45 24 9849; Fax +33 1 45 24 1675 メール Lesley.Onyon@oecd.org
生活衛生局食品化学課 課長 内田 康策 担当 池田(2483) 直通 03(3595)2341 生活衛生局企画課 生活化学安全対策室 室長 平山 一男 担当 山本(2423) 直通 03(3595)2298
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