

(1)  平成14年6月に開催された国際労働機関(International Labour Organization。以下「ILO」という。)第90回総会において採択された「職業病一覧表並びに業務災害及び職業病の記録及び報告に関する勧告」(Recommendation Concerning the List of Occupational Diseases and the Recording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases。以下「第194号勧告」という。)の職業病一覧表に示されている疾病を踏まえて、労基則別表第1の2等に追加すべきものの有無の検討(以下「検討事項1」という。)
(2)  平成12年度及び平成13年度に労災認定された事案のうち、労基則別表第1の2等に具体的に示されていない疾病を踏まえて、労基則別表第1の2等に追加すべきものの有無の検討(以下「検討事項2」という。)

(1)  ILO勧告と現行労基則第35条の規定との関連について

(2)  例示列挙に係る考え方
(1)  過去において相当数の発症例がみられたが、労働衛生管理の充実等により今日、発症例が極めて少ないもの
(2)  諸外国において症例報告があるが、国内においては、当該疾病の発生に係る化学物質等が製造及び輸入の禁止等により、使用される見込みがない又は研究機関等特定の機関においてのみ使用される等のため、当該疾病の発症例が極めて少ないと認められるもの
(3)  ばく露から発症までの期間が短いもの以外で因果関係が明らかになっていないもの(ばく露から発症までの期間が短いものについては、業務との因果関係を立証することが容易であることから当該影響のみ明らかになっているものは、必ずしも例示列挙する必要はないと考えられる。)

(1)  検討の考え方
(1)  薬剤による疾病
(2)  タリウム又はその化合物による疾病
(3)  オスミウム又はその化合物による疾病
(4)  銅又はその化合物による疾病
(5)  スズ又はその化合物による疾病
(6)  亜鉛又はその化合物による疾病
(7)  オゾン、ホスゲンによる疾病
(8)  刺激性物質(ベンゾキノン及びその他の角膜刺激物)による疾病
(9)  シデローシス(鉄沈着症)
(10)  慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)
(11)  木材の塵埃によるがん

(2)  検討結果
(1)  薬剤による疾病

(2)  タリウム又はその化合物による疾病

(3)  オスミウム又はその化合物による疾病

(4)  銅又はその化合物による疾病

(5)  スズ又はその化合物による疾病

(6)  亜鉛又はその化合物による疾病

(7)  オゾン、ホスゲンによる疾病

(8)  刺激性物質(ベンゾキノン及びその他の角膜刺激物)による疾病

(9)  シデローシス(鉄沈着症)

(10)  慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)

(11)  木材の塵埃によるがん







  青山 英康  岡山大学名誉教授
  大久保利晃  産業医科大学学長
  岡田 了三  群馬パース看護短期大学学長
  奥平 雅彦  北里大学名誉教授
  兼高 達貮  東京逓信病院消化器科前部長
  工藤 翔二  日本医科大学教授
(座長) 櫻井 治彦  中央労働災害防止協会労働衛生調査分析センター所長
  夏目 誠  大阪樟蔭女子大学教授
  野見山一生  自治医科大学名誉教授
  馬杉 則彦  横浜労災病院副院長
  平林 洌  慶友整形外科病院副院長
  裄V 信夫  関東労災病院院長
  和田 攻  埼玉医科大学教授


平成14年 9月 6日  第1回検討会
平成14年 12月 17日  第2回検討会
平成15年 3月 24日  第3回検討会


R194 List of Occupational Diseases Recommendation, 2002

Recommendation concerning the List of Occupational Diseases and the Recording and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its 90th Session on 3 June 2002, and

Noting the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention and Recommendation, 1981, and the Occupational Health Services Convention and Recommendation, 1985, and

Noting also the list of occupational diseases as amended in 1980 appended to the Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964, and

Having regard to the need to strengthen identification, recording and notification procedures for occupational accidents and diseases, with the aim of identifying their causes, establishing preventive measures, promoting the harmonization of recording and notification systems, and improving the compensation process in the case of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, and

Having regard to the need for a simplified procedure for updating a list of occupational diseases, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, and to the regular review and updating of a list of occupational diseases, which is the fifth item on the agenda of the session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of a Recommendation;

adopts this twentieth day of June of the year two thousand and two the following Recommendation, which may be cited as the List of Occupational Diseases Recommendation, 2002.

1. In the establishment, review and application of systems for the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, the competent authority should take account of the 1996 Code of practice on the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, and other codes of practice or guides relating to this subject that are approved in the future by the International Labour Organization.

2. A national list of occupational diseases for the purposes of prevention, recording, notification and, if applicable, compensation should be established by the competent authority, in consultation with the most representative organizations of employers and workers, by methods appropriate to national conditions and practice, and by stages as necessary. This list should:

(a) for the purposes of prevention, recording, notification and compensation comprise, at the least, the diseases enumerated in Schedule I of the Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964, as amended in 1980;

(b) comprise, to the extent possible, other diseases contained in the list of occupational diseases as annexed to this Recommendation; and

(c) comprise, to the extent possible, a section entitled "Suspected occupational diseases".

3. The list as annexed to this Recommendation should be regularly reviewed and updated through tripartite meetings of experts convened by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office. Any new list so established shall be submitted to the Governing Body for its approval, and upon approval shall replace the preceding list and shall be communicated to the Members of the International Labour Organization.

4. The national list of occupational diseases should be reviewed and updated with due regard to the most up-to-date list established in accordance with Paragraph 3 above.

5. Each Member should communicate its national list of occupational diseases to the International Labour Office as soon as it is established or revised, with a view to facilitating the regular review and updating of the list of occupational diseases annexed to this Recommendation.

6. Each Member should furnish annually to the International Labour Office comprehensive statistics on occupational accidents and diseases and, as appropriate, dangerous occurrences and commuting accidents with a view to facilitating the international exchange and comparison of these statistics.


1. Diseases caused by agents
1.1. Diseases caused by chemical agents
1.1.1. Diseases caused by beryllium or its toxic compounds
1.1.2. Diseases caused by cadmium or its toxic compounds
1.1.3. Diseases caused by phosphorus or its toxic compounds
1.1.4. Diseases caused by chromium or its toxic compounds
1.1.5. Diseases caused by manganese or its toxic compounds
1.1.6. Diseases caused by arsenic or its toxic compounds
1.1.7. Diseases caused by mercury or its toxic compounds
1.1.8. Diseases caused by lead or its toxic compounds
1.1.9. Diseases caused by fluorine or its toxic compounds
1.1.10. Diseases caused by carbon disulphide
1.1.11. Diseases caused by the toxic halogen derivatives of aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons
1.1.12. Diseases caused by benzene or its toxic homologues
1.1.13. Diseases caused by toxic nitro- and amino-derivatives of benzene or its homologues
1.1.14. Diseases caused by nitroglycerine or other nitric acid esters
1.1.15. Diseases caused by alcohols, glycols or ketones
1.1.16. Diseases caused by asphyxiants: carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide or its toxic derivatives, hydrogen sulphide
1.1.17. Diseases caused by acrylonitrile
1.1.18. Diseases caused by oxides of nitrogen
1.1.19. Diseases caused by vanadium or its toxic compounds
1.1.20. Diseases caused by antimony or its toxic compounds
1.1.21. Diseases caused by hexane
1.1.22. Diseases of teeth caused by mineral acids
1.1.23. Diseases caused by pharmaceutical agents
1.1.24. Diseases caused by thallium or its compounds
1.1.25. Diseases caused by osmium or its compounds
1.1.26. Diseases caused by selenium or its compounds
1.1.27. Diseases caused by copper or its compounds
1.1.28. Diseases caused by tin or its compounds
1.1.29. Diseases caused by zinc or its compounds
1.1.30. Diseases caused by ozone, phosgene
1.1.31. Diseases caused by irritants: benzoquinone and other corneal irritants
1.1.32. Diseases caused by any other chemical agents not mentioned in the preceding items 1.1.1 to 1.1.31, where a link between the Exposure of a worker to these chemical agents and the diseases suffered is established
1.2. Diseases caused by physical agents
1.2.1. Hearing impairment caused by noise
1.2.2. Diseases caused by vibration (disorders of muscles, tendons, bones, joints, peripheral blood vessels or peripheral nerves)
1.2.3. Diseases caused by work in compressed air
1.2.4. Diseases caused by ionizing radiations
1.2.5. Diseases caused by heat radiation
1.2.6. Diseases caused by ultraviolet radiation
1.2.7. Diseases caused by extreme temperature (e.g. sunstroke, frostbite) 1.2.8. Diseases caused by any other physical agents not mentioned in the preceding items 1.2.1 to 1.2.7, where a direct link between the exposure of a worker to these physical agents and the diseases suffered is established
1.3. Diseases caused by biological agents
1.3.1. Infectious or parasitic diseases contracted in an occupation where there is a particular risk of contamination
2. Diseases by target organ systems
2.1. Occupational respiratory diseases
2.1.1. Pneumoconioses caused by sclerogenic mineral dust (silicosis, anthraco-silicosis, asbestosis) and silicotuberculosis, provided that silicosis is an essential factor in causing the resultant incapacity or death
2.1.2. Bronchopulmonary diseases caused by hard-metal dust
2.1.3. Bronchopulmonary diseases caused by cotton, flax, hemp or sisal dust (byssinosis)
2.1.4. Occupational asthma caused by recognized sensitizing agents or irritants inherent to the work process
2.1.5. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis caused by the inhalation of organic dusts, as prescribed by national legislation
2.1.6. Siderosis
2.1.7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
2.1.8. Diseases of the lung caused by aluminium
2.1.9. Upper airways disorders caused by recognized sensitizing agents or irritants inherent to the work process
2.1.10. Any other respiratory disease not mentioned in the preceding items 2.1.1 to 2.1.9, caused by an agent where a direct link between the exposure of a worker to this agent and the disease suffered is established
2.2. Occupational skin diseases
2.2.1. Skin diseases caused by physical, chemical or biological agents not included under other items
2.2.2. Occupational vitiligo
2.3. Occupational musculo-skeletal disorders
2.3.1. Musculo-skeletal diseases caused by specific work activities or work environment where particular risk factors are present
Examples of such activities or environment include:
(a) rapid or repetitive motion
(b) forceful exertion
(c) excessive mechanical force concentration
(d) awkward or non-neutral postures
(e) vibration
Local or environmental cold may increase risk
3. Occupational cancer
3.1. Cancer caused by the following agents
3.1.1. Asbestos
3.1.2. Benzidine and its salts
3.1.3. Bis chloromethyl ether (BCME)
3.1.4. Chromium and chromium compounds
3.1.5. Coal tars, coal tar pitches or soots
3.1.6. Beta-naphthylamine
3.1.7. Vinyl chloride
3.1.8. Benzene or its toxic homologues
3.1.9. Toxic nitro- and amino-derivatives of benzene or its homologues
3.1.10. Ionizing radiations
3.1.11. Tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil, anthracene, or the compounds, products or residues of these substances
3.1.12. Coke oven emissions
3.1.13. Compounds of nickel
3.1.14. Wood dust
3.1.15. Cancer caused by any other agents not mentioned in the preceding items 3.1.1 to 3.1.14, where a direct link between the exposure of a worker to this agent and the cancer suffered is established
4. Other diseases
4.1. Miners' nystagmus





注) 上記表中 紫ライン は、本検討会において検討対象となった疾病を示す。



1 薬剤による疾病
 薬剤取り扱いが原因と考えられる職業関連性疾患では、喘息または皮膚症状が大半を占めている。薬剤が生体に及ぼす影響としては、1) その物質がもつ特異的な毒性・薬理作用によるもの、2)非特異的な刺激症状、3)アレルゲンとしての作用、の3つが考えられる。
 薬剤として使用される対象化学物質の種類は極めて多く、本研究で全てを確かめることは不可能であった。そこで、まず、アメリカ National Library of Medicineの職業及び環境に関する論文のデータベースにおいて、1970年以後の文献から、「薬剤、薬剤性の」と「職業性」の語句をもとに、文献検索を行った(94文献抽出)。この検索では、薬剤そのものの薬効や患者への影響などを完全に分離することが難しく、手作業で絞り込みをせざるを得なかったが、それでも内容が不明のものが少なくなかった。このうち、鉛やタール、放射線などばく露が薬剤でないもの、また薬剤起因性について記述していないものを除くと31件が残った(P.23別添参照)。その結果を年度別に見ると、シクロフォスファミドの発がん性に関する4件の報告を除き、大部分は1物質に1〜2件の報告にとどまり、特に職業病として集積的に問題になっている医薬品は無いことが判明した。

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2 タリウム又はその化合物による疾病
 人に対する健康影響(除症例報告)について、Brockhausら(1981)は、ドイツのセメント工場付近に居住し、その地域で収穫した果物・野菜を摂取している住民について調査した結果、睡眠障害、疲労感、不安状態、頭痛その他の精神症状、神経・筋症状と生物学的モニタリング値に正の相関があったが、脱毛に関しては負の相関であった。 Ludolphら(1986)は、セメント工場にて平均22.9年間のタリウムばく露を受けた作業者36名の健康影響を調査した。著者らは中枢神経系および末梢神経系の症状が多くみられたと述べているが、この調査では対照群が設定されていない。
 動物に対する健康影響について、比較的多量のタリウム投与で、発生・生殖毒性、神経毒性等に関する報告があった[Roll and Matthiaschk 1981、Bornhausen and Hagen 1984、Formigliら 1986、Gibson and Becker 1970]。

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15) Neubert D, Bluth U(1985): Effect of thallium on limb development in organ culture. Teratology, 32: 29A
16) Brockhaus A, et al.(1981): Intake and health effects of thallium among a population living in the vicinity of a cement plant emitting thallium containing dust. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 48: 375-389
17) Stokinger HE(1981): The metals. In: Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, vol. 2A, G.D. Clayton and F.E. Clayton, Eds, 1749-1769 John Wiley & Sons, New York
18) Ludolph A, et al.(1986): Chronic thallium exposure in cement plant workers: Clinical and electrophysiological data. Trace Elem Med, S3: 121-125

3 オスミウム又はその化合物による疾病

1) Venugopal B, Luckey TD (1978): Toxicity of group VIII metals. In Venugopal B, Lucy TD, eds. : Metal toxicity in mammals, vol 2. 273-305, Plenum Publishing, New York
2) Proctor NH, et al.(1988): Chemical hazards of the workplace. 393-436, JB Lippincott Co, Philadelphia
3) Seiler HG, Sigel H(1988): Handbook on toxicity of inorganic compounds. 341-344, 501-574, Marcel Dekker, New York
4) Goyer RA(19996): Toxic effects of metals. In: Klaassen CD, ed. Casarett and Doull's toxicology: the basic science of poisons, 5th ed. 725-726, McGraw-Hill, New York
5) Maugh TH(1981): New ways to use metals for arthritis. Science, 212: 430-431
6) Hammond VR(1986): The elements. In East RC., Astle MJ, Beyer WH, eds.: CRC handbook of chemistry and physics.B5-B43, CRC Press,Boca Raton, FL
7) American Conference of Govermental Industial Hygienists(1996): Threshold limit values for chemical substances in the work environment.
8) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)(1981): Occupational health guidelines for osmium tetroxide: occupational health guide for chemical hazards. DHHS Pub No 81-123, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Rockville, Md
9) Eula B, et al.(1986): Patty's Tocxicology. Vol3 5th ed.John Wiley & Sons

4 銅又はその化合物による疾病
 Nuytsら(2001)は慢性腎不全患者272名と健常者272名を対照とした症例対照研究で、銅ばく露についてオッヅ比が2.5であった。ばく露量の情報はない。[参照文献番号12]。  動物実験について特記すべき文献はなかった。

1) 内藤裕史, 横手規子,監訳 (1999): 化学物質毒性ハンドブックIII:161-164,丸善,東京
2) 和田攻編集 (1991):毒性試験講座18 産業化学物質、環境化学物質: 294-297,地人書館,東京
3) Aaseth J, Norseth T(1986): Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals, Vol.II: 233-254
4) Strickland G, et al.(1964): Absorption of copper in homozygotes and heterozygotes for Wilson's disease and controls; isotope tracer studies with 67 Cu and 64 Cu. Clin Sci,43: 617-625
5) Cartwright GE, Wintrobe MM(1964): Copper metabolism in normal subjects. Am J Clin Nutr,14: 224-232
6) Bentur Y,et al.(1988): An unusual skin exposure to copper; clinical and pharmacokinetic evaluation. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol,26(5-6): 371-380
7) Jantsch W, et al.(1984-1985): Massive copper sulfate ingestion resulting in hepatotoxicity. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol,22(6): 585-588
8) Ostiguy G, et al.(1995): Respiratory health of workers exposed to metal dusts and foundry fumes in a copper refinery. Occup Environ Med, 52(3): 204-210
9) Romeu-Moreno A, et al.(1994): Rspiratory toxicity of copper. Environ Health Persp, 102(suppl3): 339-340
10) Drummond G, et al.(1986): Comparative study of various methods used for determining health effects of inhaled sulfates. Environ Resr, 41: 514-528
11) Gorell JM, et al.(1999): Occupational exposure to manganese, copper, lead, iron, mercury and zinc and the risk of Parkinson's disease. NeuroToxicology,20(2-3): 239-248
12) Nuyts GD, et al.(2001): New occupational risk factors for chronic renal failure Lancet, 346: 7-11
13) Gotteland M, et al.(2001): Effect of acute copper exposure on gastrointestinal permeability in healthy volunteers. Dig Dis Sci,46(9): 1909-1914
14) Bahattin Adam, et al.(2001): The interaction between copper and coronary risk indicators. Jpn Heart J,42(3): 281-286

5 スズ又はその化合物による疾病(金属熱を除く)

1) Sluis-Cremer GK, et al.(1989): Stannosis. A report of 2 cases. S Afr Med J, 75: 124-126
2) de Fine Olivarius F, et al. (1993): Skin reactivity to tin chloride and metallic tin. Contact Dermatitis, 29: 110-111
3) Menne T, et al. (1987): Tin; an overlooked contact sensitizer? Contact Dermatitis, 16: 9-10
4) Nielsen NH, Skov L (1998): Occupational allergic contact dermatitis in a patient with a positive patch test to tin. Contact Dermatitis, 39: 99-100
5) Fait A, et al. (1994): Organotin compounds. Toxicology, 91: 77-82
6) Andersen KE, Petri M (1982): Occupational irritant contact folliculitis associated with triphenyl tin fluoride (TPTF) exposure. Contact Dermatitis, 8: 173-177
7) Colosio C, et al. (1991): Occupational triphenyltin acetate poisoning; a case report. Br J Ind Med, 48: 136-139
8) Fortemps E,et al. (1978): Trimethyltin poisoning. Report of two cases. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 41: 1-6
9) Ross WD,et al. (1981): Neurotoxic effects of occupational exposure to organotins. Am J Psychiatry, 138: 1092-1095
10) Rey C, et al. (1984): Methyltin intoxication in six men; toxicologic and clinical aspects. Vet Hum Toxicol, 26: 121-122
11) Feldman RG, et al. (1993): Trimethyltin encephalopathy. Arch Neurol, 50: 1320-1324
12) Krinke GJ(2000): Triethyltin. In: Experimental and Clinical Neurotoxicology, 2nd ed. (Spencer PS & Schaumburg HH, ed), 1206-1208, Oxford Univ Press, New York
13) Goh CL (1985): Irritant dermatitis from tri-N-butyl tin oxide in paint. Contact Dermatitis, 12: 161-163
14) Lewis PG, Emmett EA (1987): Irritant dermatitis from tri-butyl tin oxide and contact allergy from chlorocresol. Contact Dermatitis, 17: 129-132
15) Grace CT, et al. (1991): Recurrent irritant contact dermatitis due to tributyltin oxide on work clothes. Contact Dermatitis, 25: 250-251
16) Hamanaka S, et al.(1992): Phthalic acid dermatitis caused by an organostannic compound, tributyl tin phthalate. Dermatology, 184: 210-212
17) Shelton D, et al. (1992): Occupational asthma induced by a carpet fungicide- tributyl tin oxide. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 90: 274-275

6 亜鉛又はその化合物による疾病(金属熱を除く)

1) Roto P (1980): Asthma, symptoms of chronic bronchitis and ventilatory capacity among cobalt and zinc production workers. Scand J Work Environ Health, 6(Suppl 1): 1-49
2) Hong CS, et al. (1986): Occupational asthma caused by nickel and zinc. Korean J Intern Med, 1: 259-262
3) Vogelmeier C, et al. (1987): Pulmonary involvement in zinc fume fever. Chest, 92: 946-948
4) Weir DC, et al. (1989): Occupational asthma due to soft corrosive soldering fluxes containing zinc chloride and ammonium chloride. Thorax, 44: 220-223
5) Malo JL,et al. (1990): Acute lung reaction due to zinc inhalation. Eur Respir J, 3: 111-114
6) Ameille J, et al. (1992): Occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis in a smelter exposed to zinc fumes. Chest, 101: 862-863
7) Malo JL, et al. (1993): Occupational asthma due to zinc. Eur Respir J, 6: 447-450
8) Pasker HG, et al. (1997): Short-term ventilatory effects in workers exposed to fumes containing zinc oxide; comparison of forced oscillation technique with spirometry. Eur Respir J, 10: 1523-1529
9) Zerahn B, et al. (1999): Pulmonary damage after modest exposure to zinc chloride smoke. Respir Med, 93: 885-890
10) Fuortes L , Schenck D (2000): Marked elevation of urinary zinc levels and pleural-friction rub in metal fume fever. Vet Hum Toxicol, 42: 164-165
11) Hamdi EA (1969): Chronic exposure to zinc of furnace operators in a brass foundry. Br J Ind Med, 26: 126-134
12) Schiffer RB (1994): Zinc and multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 44: 1987-1988
13) Amr MM, et al. (1997): Neuropsychiatric syndromes and occupational exposure to zinc phosphide in Egypt. Environ Res, 73: 200-206
14) Woods, JS (1995): Hematopoietic system. In: Metal Toxicology (Goyer RA, Klaassen CD & Waalkes MP, ed). Academic Press, New York, pp298-300
15) Helander I, Makela A (1983): Contact urticaria to zinc diethyldithiocarbamate (ZDC). Contact Dermatitis, 9: 327-328
16) Farrell FJ (1987): Angioedema and urticaria as acute and late phase reactions to zinc fume exposure, with associated metal fume fever-like symptoms. Am J Ind Med, 12: 331-337
17) de Juan A, et al. (2000): Zinc burns; a rare burn injury. Burns, 26: 498-500
18) Houle RE , Grant WM (1973): Zinc chloride keratopathy and cataracts. Am J Ophthalmol, 75: 992-996
19) Skogedal O, et al. (1977): Pilot study on dental erosion in a Norwegian electrolytic zinc factory. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 5:248-251
20) Remijn B, et al. (1982): Zinc chloride, zinc oxide, hydrochloric acid exposure and dental erosion in a zinc galvanizing plant in the Netherlands. Ann Occup Hyg, 25: 299-307
21) Barceloux DG (1999):Zinc. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol, 37: 279-292

7 オゾンによる疾病
 人ボランティアに対する健康影響について、様々な時間、様々な濃度で実施された健常ボランティアに対する単回ばく露実験における呼吸機能影響の最小濃度は、安静時には0.5 ppm2時間、運動負荷時には0.1 ppm2時間が報告されている最小濃度であった[Folinsbeeら 1978、Horvathら 1979、Goldsmithら 1969、Kagawa 1984、Avolら 1984、Niedingら 1979]。
 職業ばく露を想定したボランティア反復ばく露では、0.2〜0.5 ppm、ばく露時間2時間〜3時間/日、3〜5日ばく露で、一過性の呼吸機能影響に対する適応現象が観察されている[Hackneyら 1977、Farrellら 1979、Kulleら 1982、Horvathら 1981]。
 動物を対象としたばく露実験について、ばく露濃度0.2〜0.8 ppm、ばく露期間7日〜90日の範囲で吸入ばく露実験結果の報告があった[Dungworthら 1975、Castlemanら 1977、Boormanら 1980、Plopperら 1979、Guthら 1986]。気管支肺胞洗浄液、病理解剖等の所見等に呼吸器炎症を示す所見が観察されている。

1) Seagle EF(1973): Ozone as an occupational health hazard. Occup Health Nurs, 21: 14-17
2) Dungworth DL, et al.(1975): Effect of ambient levels of ozone on monkeys. Fed Proc, 34: 1670-1674
3) Castleman WL, et al.(1977): Lesions in respiratory bronchioles and conducting airways of monkeys exposed to ambient levels of ozone. Exp Mol Pathol, 26: 384-400
4) Boorman GA, et al.(1980): Pulmonary effects of prolonged ozone insult in rats. Lab Invest, 43: 108-115
5) Plopper CG, et al.(1979): Pulmonary alterations in rats exposed to 0.2 and 0.1 ppm ozone; a correlated morphological and biochemical study. Arch Environ Health, 34: 390-395
6) Cavender FL, et al.(1977): Effects in rats and guinea pigs of short-term exposures to sulfuric acid mist, ozone, and their combination. J Toxicol Enviro Health, 3: 521-533
7) Guth DJ, et al.(1986): Comparative sensitivity of measurements of lung damage made by bronchoalveolar lavage after short-term exposure of rats to ozone. Toxicol, 40: 131-143
8) Holtzman MJ, et al.(1983): Importance of airway inflammation for hyperresponsiveness induced by ozone. Am Rev Respir Dis, 127: 686-690
9) Fabbri LM, et al.(1984): Airway hyperresponsiveness and changes in cell counts in bronchoalveolar lavage after ozone exposure in dogs. Am Rev Respir Dis, 129: 288-291
10) Folinsbee LJ, et al.(1978):The influence of exercise on the pulmonary function changes due to exposure to low concentrations of ozone. In Environmental stress, Individual human adaptation. 125-145, Academic Press, New York
11) Horvath SM, et al.(1979): Pulmonary function and maximum exercise responses following acute ozone exposure. Aviat Space Environ Med, 50: 901-905
12) Kagawa J.(1984): Exposure-effect relationship of selected pulmonary function measurements in subjects exposed to ozone. Int Arch Ocup Environ Health, 53: 345-358
13) Goldsmith JR et al.(1969): Experimental exposure of human subjects to ozone. J Air Poll Control Assoc, 19: 329-330
14) Nieding G, et al.(1979): Controlled studies of human exposure to single and combined action of NO2, O3, and SO2. Int Arch Ocup Environ Health, 43: 195-210
15) Avol EL, et al.(1984): Comparative respiratory effects of ozone and ambient oxidant pollution exposure during heavy exercise. J Air Poll Control Assoc, 34: 804-809
16) Dimeo MJ, et al.(1981): Threshold concentration of ozone causing an increase in bronchial reactivity in humans and adaptation with repeated exposures. Am Rev Respir Dis, 124: 245-248
17) Hackney JD, et al.(1977): Adaptation to short-term respiratory effects of ozone in men exposed repeatedly. J Appl Physiol, 43: 82-85
18) Farrell BP, et al.(1979):Adaptation in human subjects to the effects of inhaled ozone after repeated exposure. Am Rev Resp Dis, 119: 725-730
19) Kulle TJ, et al.(1982): Duration of pulmonary function adaptation to ozone in humans. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 43: 832-837
20) Horvath SM, et al.(1981): Adaptation to ozone; duration of effect. Am Rev Resp Dis, 123: 496-499
21) Holtzman MJ, et al.(1979): Effect of ozone on bronchial reactivity in atopic and nonatopic subjects. Am Rev Respir Dis, 120: 1059-1067
22) Saito H, et al.(2000): Laboratory measurement of hazardous fumes and gases at a point corresponding to breathing zone of welder during a CO2 arc welding. Ind Health, 38: 69-78
23) Dennis JH, et al.(2002): Control of exposure to hexavalent chromium and ozone in gas metal arc welding of stainless steels by use of a secondary shield gas. Ann Occup Hyg, 46: 43-48
24) Tuomi T, et al.(2000): Emission of ozone and organic volatiles from a selection of laser printers and photocopiers. Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 15: 629-634
25) Olin AC, et al.(1999): Exhaled nitric oxide among pulpmill workers reporting gassing incidents involving ozone and chlorine dioxide. Eur Respir J, 14: 828-831
26) Hall RM , Page E(1999): Ozone exposure at a construction site. Appl Occup Environ Hyg, 14: 203-207
27) Romieu I, et al.(1998): Antioxidant supplementation and respiratory functions among workers exposed to high levels of ozone. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 158: 226-232

8 ベンゾキノンによる疾病
 人に対する影響について、反復または長期の皮膚への接触により、皮膚炎を起こすことがある。 皮膚、眼に影響を与え、変色、炎症、角膜上皮損傷を生じることがある。0.1 ppmレベルのばく露では全身影響は観察されず、眼に対する軽度で一過性の刺激が0.1 ppm以上では観察されることから、ACGIH(American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists,Inc.)職業ばく露限界値(TLV-TWAとして0.1 ppmを勧告している。
 ベンゼンの代謝産物としてのベンゾキノンに注目した遺伝子毒性や細胞毒性に関連する主として試験管内試験の報告が公表されている。ベンゼンによる異数倍体細胞生成の原因が、代謝物であるベンゾキノンやビフェノキノンが微小管蛋白(microtubule protein)のチオール基に共有結合することによる紡錘糸の分離に起因することが推定されている[Pfeiffer E , et al. 1996]。
 Andreoli et al.は、ヒト末梢リンパ球によるコメットアッセイを実施し、平均0.3 mg/m3のベンゼンにばく露しているガソリンスタンド従業員で、年齢や喫煙とは独立に非ばく露者に比して有意に高いDNAのダメージがあった。Lee et al. (1991) は、ベンゼン代謝産物であるベンゾキノンと1,2,4-ベンゼントリオールのDNA鎖切断は試験管内試験では発生したが、麻酔量のベンゼンばく露後1, 24, 36時間後の雌雄マウスではDNA切断が観察されなかったことから、現実のベンゼンばく露による直接のDNA鎖切断は発生せず、試験管内試験の結果の適用には注意を要すると述べている。

1) 国際化学物質安全性カード(日本語版)No. 0779(1993).
2) 後藤稠、池田正之、原一郎編(1977).産業中毒便覧.881医歯薬出版.東京
3) Pederson DH, et al.(2001): Populations at risk. In Bingham E, Cohrssen B, Powell CH eds.: Patty's Toxicology. 5th ed. Vol 8, 995-996, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York
4) American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hyigienists. Documentation of the TLVs nd BEIs. ACGIH, Cincinnati(2001)
5) Seung SA, et al.(1998): The relative importance of oxidative stress versus arylation in the mechanism of quinone?induced cytotoxicity to platelets. Chem Biol Interact, 113(2): 133?144
6) Tapper MA, et al.(2000):Depletion of cellular protein thiols as an indicator of arylation in isolated trout hepatocytes exposed to 1,4?benzoquinone. Toxicol Sci, 55(2): 327?334
7) Misra UK, et al.(1998): Alterations in calcium metabolism in murine macrophages by the benzene metabolite 1,4?benzoquinone. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol,151(1): 1?8
8) Pfeiffer E(1996): Interaction of p?benzoquinone and p?biphenoquinone with microtubule proteins in vitro. Chem Biol Interact, 102(1): 37?53
9) Andreoli C, et al.(1997): Detection of DNA damage in human lymphocytes by alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis after exposure to benzene or benzene metabolites. Mutat Res, 377(1): 95?104
10) Lee EW, Garner CD(1991): Effects of benzene on DNA strand breaks in vivo versus benzene metabolite?induced DNA strand breaks in vitro in mouse bone marrow cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol,108(3): 497?508

9 シデローシス(鉄沈着症)

1) Nemery B(1998): Lung disease from metal exposure. In Occupational Lung Disease, edited by Banks DE. and Parker JE. 292-293,Chapman & Hall, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers, Philadelphia
2) Funahashi et al.(1988): Welders'pneumoconiosis;tissue elemental microanalysis by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Br J Ind Med, 45: 14-18
3) Lasfargues et al.(1991): Siderose pulmonaire et risques respiratories a long terme du soudage a l'arc. Rev Mal Res, 8: 304-306
4) Billings and Howard(1993): Occupational siderosis and welder's lung ; a review Monaldi Arch Chest Dis, 48: 304-314
5) Nestor S(1999), Inhalation of Inorganic Dust. Fraser and Pare's Diagnosis of Diseases of The Chest,4th ed., 2452-2454, W.B.Sanders Co,Philadelphia
6) Smith GH, et al.(1987): Respiratory cancer and air pollution from iron foundries in a Scottish town: An epidemiological and environmental study. Br J Ind Med, 44: 95-802
7) Kelleher, et al.(2000): Inorganic dust pneumonias; the metal-related parenchymal disorders. Environ Health Perspect, 108 (Suppl 4): 685-96
8) Weinberg ED(1999): The development of awareness of the carcinogenic hazard of inhaled iron. Oncol Res, 11(3): 109-113
9) Dreyfus JR(1936): Lungencarcinom bei Geschwuste nach Inhalation von eisenoxyhaltigem Staub in der Jugend. Zeit Klin Med, 130: 256-260
10) Boyd JT, et al.(1970): Cancer of the lung in iron ore (haematite) miners. Br J Ind Med, 27: 275-280
11) Icso J, et al.(1994): Lung cancer among iron ore miners in east Slovakia: A case control study. Occup Environ Med, 51: 642-643
12) Antoine D, et al.(1979): Le cancer bronique des mineurs de fer de Lorraine peut-il etre considere comme une maladie professionelle? Rev Fr Mal Respir, 7: 63-65
13) Turner HM, Grace HG(1993):An investigation into cancer mortality among males in certain Sheffield trades.J Hyg, 838: 90-103
14) Blot WJ, et al.(1983): Lung cancer among steel workers. Am J Epidemiol, 117: 706-715
15) Sherson D, et al.(1991): Cancer incidence among foundry workers in Denmark. Arch Environ Health, 46: 75-81
16) Gibson ES, et al.(1977): Lung cancer mortality in a steel foundry. J Occup Med, 19: 807-812
17) Guest L(1978): The endogenous iron content, by Mossbauer spectroscopy, of human lungs-II. Lungs from various occupational groups. Ann Occup Hyg, 21: 151-157
18) Corhay JL, et al.(1992): Iron content in human alveolar macrophages. Eur Respir J, 5: 804-809
19) Campbell JA(1940): Effects of precipitated silica and of iron oxide on the incidence of primary lung tumors in mice. Br Med J, 2: 275-280
20) Pott F, et al.(1987): Carcinogenecity studies on fibres, metal compounds, and some other dust in rats. Exp Pathol, 32: 129-152
21) Steinhoff D, et al.(1991): Carcinogenesis studies with iron oxides. Exp Pathol, 43: 189-194
22) Castranova V, et al.(1997): Augmentation of pulmonary reactions to quartz inhalation by trace amounts of iron-containing particles. Environ Health Perspect, 105(Suppl. 5): 1319-1324
23) Ghio AJ, et al.(1992): Role of surface complexed iron in oxidant generation and lung inflammation induced by silicates. Am J Physiol, 263: L511-L518
24) Goodglick LA, Kane AB(1986): Role of reactive oxygen metabolites in crocidolite asbestos toxicity to mouse macrophages. Cancer Res, 46: 5558-5566
25) Keeling B, et al.(1994): Iron enhances uptake of mineral particles and increases lipid peroxidation in tracheal epithelial cells. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 10: 683-688
26) Lay JC, et al.(1996): Alveolar macrophages accumulate iron ferritin after in vivo exposure to iron or tungsten dusts. J Lab Clin Med, 127: 401-409
27) Stokinger HE(1984): A review of world literature finds iron oxides noncarcinogenic. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 45: 127-133
28) Zhang Q, et al.(2002): Roles of bioavailable iron and calcium in coal dust-induced oxidative stress; possible implications in coal workers' lung disease. Free Radical Research, 36(3): 285-294
29) Xu Z., et al.(1996): Cancer risks among iron and steel workers in Anshan, China. Part I: Proportional mortality ratio analysis, Part II: Case-control studies of lung and stomach cancer. Am J Ind Med, 30: 1-6,7-15
30) Stern FB, et al.(1997): Proportionate mortality among unionized construction ironworkers. Am J Ind Med, 31: 176-187
31) Danielsen TE, et al.(1998): Incidence of lung cancer among shipyard welders investigated for siderosis. Int J Occup Environ Health, 4(2): 85-88

10 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)
 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: COPD)とは、慢性気管支炎、肺気腫または両者の併発により惹起される閉塞性換気障害を特徴とする疾患である。通常、COPDによる閉塞性換気障害はゆっくりと進行し、治療に反応せず、不可逆的であることが特徴である。
4.単一の原因ではなく多重ヒット(multiple hit 仮説が妥当である。
 Medline を基本とした論文のデータベース(1965?2002)により、「Occupational disease」と「COPD」で検索したところ254の論文が検索された。ただし、検索には「英語論文」という条件をつけ、試験管内実験に関するものは除外した。
 別添 表(P.47)に5年毎の論文の傾向として示す。病理学的肺気腫を主体とするCOPDの概念が定着したのは1960年代である。「職業性」と「COPD」の検索に該当する論文も1965〜1970年、1971〜1975年は「じん肺」、「炭坑夫肺」、「金鉱夫肺」に関する研究・報告が主体となる。

1) 北村 諭(1999): COPD?慢性閉塞性肺疾患.別冊・医学のあゆみ、呼吸器疾患Ver.3: 345-347
2) Hendrick DJ (1996): 0ccupation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Occupational lung disease 9. Thorax, 51: 947-955
3) Burge PS (1994): 0ccupation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Eur Respir J, 7: 1032-1034
4) Schachter EN, et al. (2001): Occupational airway diseases. Reviews on Environmental Health, 16(2): 87-95
5) Romundstad P, et al. (2002): Non-malignant mortality among Norwegian silicon carbide smelter workers. Occup Environ Med, 59:(5): 345-347
6) Parmer AJ, Essen SV(2002): Rapidly progressive, fixed airway obstructive disease in popcorn workers; a new occupational pulmonary illness? J Occup Environ Med, 44(3): 216-218
7) Mak GK, et al.: Occupational inhalant exposure and respiratory disorders among never-smokers referred to a hospital pulmonary function laboratory. Am J Med Sci, 322(3): 121-126
8) Fleming DM, Charlton JR (2001): The prevalence of asthma and heart disease in transport workers: a practice-based study. Br J Gen Pract, 51(469): 638-643
9) Nurminen M, Karjalainen A (2001): Epidemiologic estimate of the proportion of fatalities related to occupational factors in Finland. Scand J Work Environ Health, 27(3): 161-213
10) Erkinjuntti-Pekkanen R, et al (1998): Long-term risk of emphysema in patients with farmer's lung and matched control farmers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 158(2): 662-665
11) Kelsh MA, Sahl JD (1997): Mortality among a cohort of electric utility workers. Am J Ind Med, 31(5): 534-544
12) Casale R, Pasqualetti P (1997): Cosinor analysis of circadian peak expiratory flow variability in normal subjects, passive smokers, heavy smokers, patients with COPD and patients with interstitial lung disease. Respiration, 64(4): 251-256
13) Park RM, Mirer FE(1996): A survey of mortality at two automotive engine manufacturing plants. Am J Ind Med, 30(6): 664-673
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11 木材の塵埃によるがん
 IARCモノグラフシリーズ62「Wood Dust and Formaldehyde」(1995年刊行)によれば、鼻腔および副鼻腔の腺癌は、木材粉じん、特に堅木粉じんばく露と因果関係があること、鼻腔および副鼻腔の扁平上皮は、腺に比べるとばく露によるリスク上昇は少なく、因果関係は支持されないこと、鼻咽頭と木材粉じんへの職業ばく露との関連性が示唆されたことが記載されている。なお、咽頭口部、咽頭喉頭部、肺、リンパおよび造血系、胃、大腸または直腸のがんについては、木材粉じんの職業ばく露との因果関係は証明されなかったとされている。

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2) Van den Oever R(1996): Occupational exposure to dust and sinonasal cancer. An analysis of 386 cases reported to the N.C.C.S.F. Cancer Registry. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg, 50: 19-24
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4) Weiderpass E, et al(2001): Occupational exposures and cancers of the endometrium and cervix uteri in Finland. Am J Industr Med, 39: 572-580
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11) Yoshimura T, et al.(1983):Nasal cancer mortality in areas with a high proportion of wood and furniture workers in Japan. J UOEH, 5(4): 433-439
12) 高橋謙(2002):第90回ILO総会で採択された条約・勧告・議定書.(1)労働安全衛生条約(155号)の〇二年議定書、(2)職業病一覧表ならびに業務災害・職業病の記録と報告に関する勧告(194号).世界の労働 52(8):44-49
13) 産業医科大学産業生態科学研究所監訳(2002):労働災害および職業性疾病の記録と通知−ILO行動指針−.76-86, 労働調査会,東京

産業医科大学 学長 大久保利晃先生
(1) 薬剤による疾病
(2) スズ又はその化合物による疾病(金属熱を除く)
(3) 亜鉛又はその化合物による疾病(金属熱を除く)
(4) シデローシス(鉄沈着症)
(5) 慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)
(6) 木材の塵埃によるがん

慶應義塾大学医学部衛生学教室 教授 大前 和幸先生
(1) タリウム又はその化合物による疾病
(2) オスミウム又はその化合物による疾病
(3) 銅又はその化合物による疾病
(4) オゾンによる疾病
(5) ベンゾキノンによる疾病
