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1 試験スキーム:別冊1−1


厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱化学物質の作用機構に焦点をあてた新しいハイ・スループット・スクリーニング法の開発に関する研究」(主任研究者:菅野純 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所安全性生物試験研究センター毒性部第一室長)
厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱化学物質等、生活環境中化学物質による人の健康影響についての試験法に関する調査研究」(主任研究者:今井清 (財)食品薬品安全センター秦野研究所副所長)
「レポーター遺伝子導入ヒト由来培養細胞株を用いた超高速分析法に関する試験研究」(武吉正博・宮田優子・山崎寛治・矢可部芳州・高月峰夫 化学物質評価研究機構安全性評価技術研究所)
Task Force on Endocrine Disrupters Testing and Assessment (EDTA) of the Test Guideline Programme: OECD Report of the Initial Work towards the Validation of the Rodent Uterotropic Assay: Phase I (ENV/JM/TG/EDTA (2001)1); Progress of Work on the Validation of the Rodent Uterotropic Assay: Phase II Status Report (Including Statistical Evaluation of Results)(ENV/JM/TG/EDTA(2001)2); Progress of Work on the Validation of the Rodent Hershberger Assay: Phase I Status Report (ENV/JM/TG/EDTA(2001)3)
J. Kanno, L. Onyon, J. Haseman, P. Fenner-Crisp, J. Ashby and W. Owens, The OECD Program to Validate the Rat Uterotropic Bioassay to Screen Compounds for in Vivo Estrogenic Responses: Phase I, Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 109, No. 8, August 2001, 785-794.

2 採取・分析法:別冊1−2


厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「ポリ塩化ビニル製手袋中のフタル酸ジ2−エチルヘキシルの食品中への移行に関する研究」(主任研究者:中澤裕之 星薬科大学教授)

今中雅章,佐々木久美子,根本 了,植田英一,村上恵美子,宮田大典,外海泰秀:食品衛生学雑誌,42, 71-78 (2001)
河村葉子,佐野比呂美,山田 隆:食品衛生学雑誌,40,158-165 (1999)
瀧野昭彦,津田泰三,小島美穂子,原田浩之,和田 稔:食品衛生学雑誌,40, 325-333 (1999)
堀江正一,吉田栄充,石井里枝,小林 進,中澤裕之:分析化学,48,579-587 (1999)
T. Yoshida, M. Horie, H. Nakazawa: Food Addit. Contam., 18、 69-75 (2001)
Y. Takano, H.C.Lee, Y. Ishibashi, S. Kohra, N. Tominaga, K. Arizono: J. Health.Sci.,45, 39-40 (1999)

津村ゆかり、石光 進、中村優美子、吉井公彦、岡田 舞、外海泰秀 食品衛生学会誌、41、254-260(2000)

M. Sharman, W.A. Read, L. Casle and J. Gilbert, Food Addit. Contam., 11, 375 -385 (1994)
B. D. Page and G. Lacroix, Food Addit. Contam, 12, 129-151 (1995)
L. Castle, J. Gilbert and T.Eklund, Food Addit. Contam., 7 , 591-596 (1990)
G.Di. Bella, M. Saitta, M. Pellerino. F. Salvo and G. Dugo, J. Agric. Food.Chem., 47, 1009-1012 (1999)
A. Penalver, E. Pocurull, F. Borrull and RM. Marce, J. Chromatgr, A , 872, 191-201 (2000)
JH. Peterson and T. Breindahl, Food Addit. Contam., 17, 133-141 (2000)
津村ゆかり、石光 進、中村優美子、吉井公彦、開原亜樹子、外海泰秀、食品衛生学会誌 42、128-132(2001)

S. Jara, C. Lysebo, T. Greibrokk, and E. Lundance, Anal. Chim. Acta. 407, 165-171 (2000)
M.H.W. Morelli Cardoso, E.R.Lachter, D. Tabak, S.Abrantes and O.M.G., de Moraes, J. High Resolut. Chromatog. 22, 70 -72 (1999)
佐々木久美子、高附 巧、根本 了、今中雅章、衛藤修一、村上恵美子、豊田正武:食衛誌、40, 460-472 (1999)
根本 了、高附 巧、佐々木久美子、豊田正武:食衛誌、41, 377-380 (2000)
P.L. Ferguson, C.R. Iden and B.J. Brownawell: Anal. Chem., 72, 4322-4330 (2000)
米久保淳、佐々木俊哉、一木満貴子、金井みき子、佐々木秀輝:分析化学、48, 571-577 (1999)
T. Tsuda K. Suga, E. Kaneda and M. Ohsuga: J. Chromatogr. B, 746, 305-309 (2000)
K. Inoue, Y. Yoshimura, T. Makino and H.Nakazawa : Analyst, 125, 1959-1961 (2000)
T. Tsuda A. Takino, M. Kojima, H. Harada and K. Muraki: J. Chromatogr. B, 723, 273-279 (1999)
河村葉子、前原玉枝、飯嶋広代、山田 隆:食衛誌、41, 212-218 (2000)

3 低用量問題:別冊1−3


Ashby J, Tinwell H & Haseman J (1999) Lack of effects for low dose levels of bisphenol A and diethylstilbestrol on the prostate gland of CF1 mice exposed in utero, Regul. Toxicol. Pharm. 30, 156-166
Ema M, Fujii S, Furukawa M, Kiguchi M, Ikka T and Harazono A (2001) Rat two-generation reproductive toxicity study of bisphenol A, Reprod. Toxicol., 15, 505-523
Gupta C (2000) Reproductive malformation of the male offspring following maternal exposure to estrogenic chemicals, Exper. Biol. Med. 224(2), 61-68
Nagel SC, vom Saal FS, Thayer KA, Dhar M, Boechler M, and Welshons WV (1997) Relative binding affinity-serum modified access (RBA-SMA) assay predicts the ralative in vivo bioactivity of the xenoestrogens bisphenol A and octylphenol, Environ. Health Persp., 105, 70-76
NTP/NIEHS (2001) NTP Report of the Endocrine Disruptors Low Dose Peer Review, Chapter 5 Report of the Statistics Subpanel, 5-6, 12, US EPA/NTP-NIEHS
National Research Council (1999) Hormonally Active Agents in the Environment. National Academy Press. pp. 430
Odum J, Tinwell H, Jones K, Van Miller, Joiner RL & Tobin G (2001) Effect of rodent diets on the sexual development of the rat, Toxicological Science, 61, 115-127
大竹 千代子、関沢 純(印刷中)Diethylstilbestrol の低用量試験での陽性反応再現性確立への提案、第4回日本内分泌かく乱化学物質学会研究発表会、つくば
関沢 純、配島由二、土屋利江(2001)ビスフェノールA重合樹脂成型血液透析器使用のリスク・ベネフィット分析、日本リスク研究学会第14回研究発表会、73-74頁
Vom Saal FS, Cooke PS, Buchanan DL, Palanza P, Thayer KA, Nagel SC, Parmigiani S and Welshons WV (1998) A physiologically based approach to the study of bisphenol A and estrogenic chemicals on the size of reproductive organs, daily sperm production and behavior, Toxocol. Ind/ Health 14, 239-259
吉田緑、勝田真一、渡辺元、田谷一善、前川明彦 (2001) 胎仔期および授乳期の低用量-BisphenolA暴露がラット雌性生殖器系に及ぼす影響、第28回日本トキシコロジー学会、年会講演要旨集、122頁。

4 暴露疫学等調査:別冊1−4


厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱化学物質に関する生体試料(さい帯血等)分析法の開発とその実試料分析結果に基づくヒト健康影響についての研究」(主任研究者:牧野恒久 東海大学医学部産婦人科学教授)

厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱化学物質の人の生殖機能等への影響に関する研究」(主任研究者:津金昌一郎 国立がんセンター研究所支所臨床疫学研究部長
厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱物質の生殖機能と次世代への影響、特に生殖泌尿器系・先天異常の成因に関する疫学的研究」(主任研究者:岸玲子 北海道大学大学院医学研究科教授)
厚生科学研究費補助金(生活安全総合研究事業)「内分泌かく乱物質等の生活環境中の化学物質による健康影響−日本人正常男性の生殖機能に関する総合的研究」(主任研究者:岩本晃明 聖マリアンナ医大泌尿器科教授)

Aronson KJ, Miller AB, Woolcott CG, Sterns EE, McCready DR, Lickley LA, Fish EB, Hiraki GY, Holloway C, Ross T, Hanna WM, SenGupta SK, Weber JP. Breast adipose tissue concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and other organochlorines and breast cancer risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9(1):55-63.
Aschengrau A, Coogan PF, Quinn M, Cashins LJ. Occupational exposure to estrogenic chemicals and the occurrence of breast cancer: an exploratory analysis. Am J Ind Med 1998;34(1):6-14.
Bagga D, Anders KH, Wang HJ, Roberts E, Glaspy JA. Organochlorine pesticide content of breast adipose tissue from women with breast cancer and control subjects. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000;92(9):750-3.
Bibbo M, Haenszel WM, Wied GL, Hubby M, Herbst AL. A twenty-five-year follow-up study of women exposed to diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy. N Engl J Med 1978;298(14):763-7.
Brian DD, Tilley BC, Labarthe DR, O'Fallon WM, Noller KL, Kurland LT. Breast cancer in DES-exposed mothers: absence of association. Mayo Clin Proc 1980;55(2):89-93.
Calle EE, Mervis CA, Thun MJ, Rodriguez C, Wingo PA, Heath CW, Jr. Diethylstilbestrol and risk of fatal breast cancer in a prospective cohort of US women. Am J Epidemiol 1996;144(7):645-52.
Colton T, Greenberg ER, Noller K, Resseguie L, Van Bennekom C, Heeren T, Zhang Y. Breast cancer in mothers prescribed diethylstilbestrol in pregnancy. Further follow-up. Jama 1993;269(16):2096-100.
Dello Iacovo R, Celentano E, Strollo AM, Iazzetta G, Capasso I, Randazzo G. Organochlorines and breast cancer. A study on Neapolitan women. Adv Exp Med Biol 1999;472:57-66.
Demers A, Ayotte P, Brisson J, Dodin S, Robert J, Dewailly E. Risk and aggressiveness of breast cancer in relation to plasma organochlorine concentrations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9(2):161-6.
Dorgan JF, Brock JW, Rothman N, Needham LL, Miller R, Stephenson HE, Jr., Schussler N, Taylor PR. Serum organochlorine pesticides and PCBs and breast cancer risk: results from a prospective analysis (USA). Cancer Causes Control 1999;10(1):1-11.
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Grimalt JO, Sunyer J, Moreno V, Amaral OC, Sala M, Rosell A, Anto JM, Albaiges J. Risk excess of soft-tissue sarcoma and thyroid cancer in a community exposed to airborne organochlorinated compound mixtures with a high hexachlorobenzene content. Int J Cancer 1994;56(2):200-3.
Guttes S, Failing K, Neumann K, Kleinstein J, Georgii S, Brunn H. Chlororganic pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in breast tissue of women with benign and malignant breast disease. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 1998;35(1):140-7.
Hardell L, Lindstrom G, Liljegren G, Dahl P, Magnuson A. Increased concentrations of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in cases with breast cancer--results from a case-control study. Eur J Cancer Prev 1996;5(5):351-7.
Helzlsouer KJ, Alberg AJ, Huang HY, Hoffman SC, Strickland PT, Brock JW, Burse VW, Needham LL, Bell DA, Lavigne JA, Yager JD, Comstock GW. Serum concentrations of organochlorine compounds and the subsequent development of breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8(6):525-32.
Holford TR, Zheng T, Mayne ST, Zahm SH, Tessari JD, Boyle P. Joint effects of nine polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners on breast cancer risk. Int J Epidemiol 2000;29(6):975-82.
Hoyer AP, Grandjean P, Jorgensen T, Brock JW, Hartvig HB. Organochlorine exposure and risk of breast cancer. Lancet 1998;352(9143):1816-20.
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Hoyer AP, Jorgensen T, Grandjean P, Hartvig HB. Repeated measurements of organochlorine exposure and breast cancer risk (Denmark). Cancer Causes Control 2000;11(2):177-84.
Hunter DJ, Hankinson SE, Laden F, Colditz GA, Manson JE, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Wolff MS. Plasma organochlorine levels and the risk of breast cancer. N Engl J Med 1997;337(18):1253-8.
Kettles MK, Browning SR, Prince TS, Horstman SW. Triazine herbicide exposure and breast cancer incidence: an ecologic study of Kentucky counties. Environ Health Perspect 1997;105(11):1222-7.
Krieger N, Wolff MS, Hiatt RA, Rivera M, Vogelman J, Orentreich N. Breast cancer and serum organochlorines: a prospective study among white, black, and Asian women. J Natl Cancer Inst 1994;86(8):589-99.
Laden F, Collman G, Iwamoto K, Alberg AJ, Berkowitz GS, Freudenheim JL, Hankinson SE, Helzlsouer KJ, Holford TR, Huang HY, Moysich KB, Tessari JD, Wolff MS, Zheng T, Hunter DJ. 1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene and polychlorinated biphenyls and breast cancer: combined analysis of five U.S. studies. J Natl Cancer Inst 2001;93(10):768-76.
Laden F, Hankinson SE, Wolff MS, Colditz GA, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Hunter DJ. Plasma organochlorine levels and the risk of breast cancer: an extended follow-up in the Nurses' Health Study. Int J Cancer 2001;91(4):568-74.
Liljegren G, Hardell L, Lindstrom G, Dahl P, Magnuson A. Case-control study on breast cancer and adipose tissue concentrations of congener specific polychlorinated biphenyls, DDE and hexachlorobenzene. Eur J Cancer Prev 1998;7(2):135-40.
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Titus-Ernstoff L, Hatch EE, Hoover RN, Palmer J, Greenberg ER, Ricker W, Kaufman R, Noller K, Herbst AL, Colton T, Hartge P. Long-term cancer risk in women given diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy. Br J Cancer 2001;84(1):126-33.
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Zheng T, Holford TR, Mayne ST, Tessari J, Owens PH, Zahm SH, Zhang B, Dubrow R, Ward B, Carter D, Boyle P. Environmental exposure to hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and risk of female breast cancer in Connecticut. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8(5):407-11.
Zheng T, Holford TR, Mayne ST, Tessari J, Ward B, Carter D, Owens PH, Boyle P, Dubrow R, Archibeque-Engle S, Dawood O, Zahm SH. Risk of female breast cancer associated with serum polychlorinated biphenyls and 1,1-dichloro-2,2'-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2000;9(2):167-74.
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Zheng T, Holford TR, Tessari J, Mayne ST, Owens PH, Ward B, Carter D, Boyle P, Dubrow R, Archibeque-Engle S, Zahm SH. Breast cancer risk associated with congeners of polychlorinated biphenyls. Am J Epidemiol 2000;152(1):50-8.
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Titus-Ernstoff L, Hatch EE, Hoover RN, Palmer J, Greenberg ER, Ricker W, Kaufman R, Noller K, Herbst AL, Colton T, Hartge P. Long-term cancer risk in women given diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy. Br J Cancer 2001;84(1):126-33.
今井田克己, 白井智之. 内分泌撹乱化学物質と発癌. 日本臨床 2000;58(12):2527-2532.

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