

Statistics 1  Changes in the sibling composition (Figure 1)

   Total Only child Younger
sibling(s) only
Elder sibling(s)
Both elder and
younger siblings
1st survey 39 838 19 433 ... 20 405 ...
2nd survey 39 838 18 338 1 101 20 004 395
3rd survey 39 838 13 542 5 904 18 658 1 734
4th survey 39 838 9 609 9 847 17 616 2 765
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" concerning sibling composition.

Statistics 2  Changes in the usual caregivers (multiple answers) (Table 1)

   Total Usual caregivers (multiple answers)
Mother Father Grandparent    Nurses and kindergarten teachers    Others
Maternal grandmother Maternal grandfather Paternal grandmother Paternal grandfather Kindergarten teachers Nurses, etc.   
Nurses, etc. at nursery schools Nursery mothers or baby sitters
Total of 3rd survey 40 616 37 782 18 222 10 584 5 914 2 293 4 908 2 085 ... ... 10 716 10 617 166 936
Total of 4th survey 40 616 37 272 18 001 9 783 5 447 2 178 4 454 1 932 20 447 6 639 13 872 13 810 112 721
  Born in January 20 244 18 575 9 006 4 744 2 664 1 089 2 124 905 13 136 5 804 7 377 7 352 46 372
Born in July 20 372 18 697 8 995 5 039 2 783 1 089 2 330 1 027 7 311 835 6 495 6 458 66 349
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" concerning usual caregivers

Statistics 3  Changes in the major caregivers during the day (Table 2)

   4th survey
Total Mother/Father Grandmother/
Nurses, etc. Kindergarten
3rd survey Total 40 616 23 411 1 472 12 236 3 209 84
Mother/Father 28 934 22 293 371 3 543 2 563 38
Grandmother/Grandfather 2 122 265 984 612 242 5
Nurses, etc. 9 327 779 100 8 011 363 13
Others 103 14 9 25 28 27
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 4  Major caregivers during weekdays between the 1st and 4th survey periods (major nursing patterns) (Table 3)

   Total Born in January Born in July
Total 39 838 19 863 19 975
Parents only
  (Parents only throughout the 1st to 4th surveys)
21 404 9 341 12 063
Nurses, etc. since two years old or younger 7 020 3 565 3 455
  Nurses, etc. since zero year old
    (Nurses, etc. throughout the 1st to 4th surveys)
1 049 603 446
  Parents, and then nurses, etc. since one year old
    (Parents in the 1st survey, and nurses, etc. since the 2nd survey)
3 744 1 887 1 857
  Parents, and then nurses, etc. since two years old
    (Parents up to the 2nd survey, and nurses, etc. since the 3rd survey)
2 227 1 075 1 152
Parents, and then nurses, etc. since three years old
    (Parents up to the 3rd survey, and nurses, etc. since the 4th survey)
2 965 1 767 1 198
Parents, and then kindergarten teachers since three years old
  (Parents up to the 3rd survey, and kindergarten teachers since the 4th survey)
2 401 2 108 293
Other nursing patterns 4 194 2 104 2 090
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" concerning caregivers.

Statistics 5  Changes in proportion in mothers with a job (Figure 2)

   Total Unemployed Employed Unknown
1st survey 39 661 29 321 9 942 398
2nd survey 39 661 27 297 12 167 197
3rd survey 39 661 25 665 13 752 244
4th survey 39 661 22 657 16 584 420
Note: The figures are based on the total responses of children living with their mothers, in the 1st through 4th surveys.

Statistics 6  Changes in employment status of mothers
with or without younger sibling(s) (Table 4)

   4th survey
Total Unemployed    Employed   
(Included in
the left)
Seeking a
(Included in
the left)
Not seeking
a job
worker at
3rd survey Total number 40 446 23 019 3 561 19 275 16 990 6 322 7 304 2 147 836 381
   Without younger sibling(s) 27 629 14 291 2 631 11 545 13 042 4 620 5 986 1 538 651 247
With younger sibling(s) 12 816 8 727 930 7 729 3 948 1 702 1 318 609 185 134
Unemployed 26 082 21 515 3 037 18 335 4 272 345 2 620 578 604 125
   Without younger sibling(s) 16 646 13 366 2 253 11 022 3 083 223 1 935 371 464 90
With younger sibling(s) 9 435 8 148 784 7 312 1 189 122 685 207 140 35
Employed 14 112 1 353 498 817 12 625 5 961 4 627 1 560 223 254
   Without younger sibling(s) 10 807 822 355 444 9 888 4 387 4 004 1 160 180 157
With younger sibling(s) 3 305 531 143 373 2 737 1 574 623 400 43 97
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses of children living with their mothers in the 3rd and 4th surveys. The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.
2)The "unemployed" includes "unknown" and "students" concerning job-seeking status.
3)The status of with or without younger sibling(s) is from the 4th survey.

Statistics 7  Particular points of care concerning the child health
(multiple answers) (Figure 3)

   Total Some
points of
Particular points of care concerning the child health (multiple answers) No
points of
Avoid too
hands after
going out
after going
Keep early
Total 41 557 40 296 10 698 14 064 33 012 17 785 32 609 17 707 11 963 13 533 12 200 17 082 1 825 1 165 96
Note: The figures are based on the responses to the 4th survey.

Statistics 8  Particular points of care concerning the child health,
by major nursing patterns (multiple answers) (Table 5)

   Total Some
points of
Particular points of care concerning the child health (multiple answers) No
lar points
of care
Avoid too
hands after
going out
after going
Keep early
Play with
Total 39 838 38 649 10 249 13 461 31 774 17 126 31 423 16 989 11 497 12 977 11 672 16 392 1 762 1 099
Parents only 21 404 20 983 5 078 7 086 18 374 10 307 17 737 8 810 6 450 7 423 6 266 9 828 982 394
Nurses, etc. since two years old or younger 7 020 6 709 2 216 2 422 4 941 2 553 5 038 2 946 1 941 1 989 1 989 2 259 304 286
Parents, and then nurses, etc. since three years old 2 965 2 876 847 1 033 2 225 1 142 2 314 1 446 780 910 829 1 198 115 79
Parents, and then kindergarten teachers since three years old 2 401 2 352 588 965 2 094 1 137 1 920 1 363 700 846 733 1 031 115 42
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 9  Status of discipline for boys and girls (Figure 4; Table 6)

   Total Gave or giving discipline No discipline (Previously
Subtotal Acquired Not acquired Subtotal Acquired Not acquired
  Greetings and replies 21 590 20 973 17 523 3 213 453 320 122 17 916
  Take dishes to the kitchen after meals 21 590 10 827 7 136 3 546 10 606 1 110 9 175 8 282
  Listen to others to the end 21 590 15 417 6 968 8 105 5 949 2 359 3 358 9 373
  Do not lie 21 590 15 325 9 042 5 837 6 041 3 272 2 264 12 362
  Keep orders when playing with equipment 21 590 20 575 13 853 6 281 808 322 435 14 217
  Keep pre-defined time for watching TV or playing computer games 21 590 11 171 7 345 3 655 9 991 2 423 6 580 9 789
  Do not damage toys or books 21 590 19 711 11 307 8 087 1 715 1 063 575 12 406
  Clear up after playing 21 590 21 184 9 406 11 374 265 49 208 9 479
  Distinguish their own things and others' things 21 590 18 415 13 512 4 627 2 953 1 899 908 15 475
  Not be violent to others 21 590 20 511 12 640 7 415 917 763 131 13 440
  Not fail to check the left and right for vehicles before crossing roads 21 590 19 476 8 629 10 460 1 960 109 1 756 8 761
  Do not follow strangers 21 590 16 144 11 546 3 951 5 267 1 577 3 237 13 146
  Keep quiet in public areas (such as buses, trains, hospitals) 21 590 20 729 9 248 11 082 696 291 371 9 568
  Greetings and replies 19 967 19 404 16 598 2 588 414 296 111 16 968
  Take dishes to the kitchen after meals 19 967 10 821 7 428 3 250 8 996 1 312 7 441 8 777
  Listen to others to the end 19 967 14 089 6 956 6 876 5 671 2 524 2 920 9 514
  Do not lie 19 967 14 607 8 769 5 456 5 136 3 010 1 741 11 824
  Keep orders when playing with equipment 19 967 19 052 14 074 4 637 735 345 347 14 461
  Keep pre-defined time for watching TV or playing computer games 19 967 9 446 6 605 2 692 10 081 2 864 6 200 9 496
  Do not damage toys or books 19 967 17 571 12 592 4 757 2 249 1 650 524 14 287
  Clear up after playing 19 967 19 585 8 774 10 451 269 67 193 8 862
  Distinguish their own things and others' things 19 967 16 904 13 078 3 594 2 882 2 008 753 15 141
  Not be violent to others 19 967 18 326 13 402 4 634 1 487 1 336 100 14 789
  Not fail to check the left and right for vehicles before crossing roads 19 967 17 779 8 420 9 037 2 055 161 1 782 8 597
  Do not follow strangers 19 967 16 026 12 263 3 168 3 801 1 380 2 128 13 672
  Keep quiet in public areas (such as buses, trains, hospitals) 19 967 19 143 10 567 8 267 686 325 319 10 920
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 4th survey.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.
3)The "(Previously reported) Acquired total" includes the number of samples with "unknown" concerning discipline.

Statistics 10  Response to bad behavior of boys and girls (Table 7)

   Total Explain the reasons of
bad behavior
Scold with words like
'No' or 'Stop' without
explaining the reasons
Slap the buttocks or
otherwise physically
Ignore the child's
behavior to have
him/her know that it
was bad
Keep the child out or
lock up in the closet,
Often Sometimes Never Often Sometimes Never Often Sometimes Never Often Sometimes Never Often Sometimes Never
Total 41 557 33 984 7 355 76 8 713 27 286 5 077 4 075 27 727 9 389 591 13 295 26 872 236 9 287 31 525
Boys 21 590 17 649 3 822 43 4 690 14 137 2 508 2 484 14 883 4 035 332 6 859 13 962 164 5 439 15 695
Girls 19 967 16 335 3 533 33 4 023 13 149 2 569 1 591 12 844 5 354 259 6 436 12 910 72 3 848 15 830
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 4th survey.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 11  Bedtimes and wakeup times of children (Table 8)

Total Before 8 pm 8:00 - 8:59 pm 9:00 - 9:59 pm 10:00 - 10:59 pm After 11:00 pm Irregular
Wakeup time Total 41 557 861 5 749 18 245 12 310 3 085 1 214
Before 6:00 am 652 139 233 235 31 4 7
6:00 - 6:59 am 9 072 467 2 486 4 861 1 151 41 55
7:00 - 7:59 am 21 649 244 2 783 10 758 6 792 724 314
8:00 - 8:59 am 7 619 9 235 2 228 3 691 1 184 264
After 9:00 am 1 771 2 7 123 532 1 004 103
Irregular 755 - 5 39 112 128 471
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 4th survey.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 12  Sleeping hours of children (Figure 5)

   Total Less than 9
In the range of
9 hours
In the range of
10 hours
11 hours or
Irregular Unknown
Total 41 557 3 366 13 029 17 402 6 163 1 498 99
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 4th survey.
2)The sleeping hours are calculated from a combination of bedtime and wakeup time.

Statistics 13  Changes in bedtimes and wakeup times of children (Figure 6)

Bedtime    Wakeup time
   3rd survey 4th survey    3rd survey 4th survey
Total 40 616 40 616 Total 40 616 40 616
Before 9:00 pm 4 816 6 460 Before 7:00 am 7 901 9 519
9:00 - 9:59 pm 15 966 17 868 7:00 - 7:59 am 18 924 21 168
After 10:00 pm 17 777 15 031 8:00 - 8:59 am 9 163 7 438
Irregular 1 782 1 170 After 9:00 am 3 397 1 724
Unknown 275 87 Irregular 1 056 732
         Unknown 175 35
Note: The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.

Statistics 14  Bedtimes of children in relation
with the working hours of their mothers and fathers (Table 9)

   Total Before 9:00
9:00 - 9:59
10:00 - 10:59
After 11:00
Irregular (Previously
After 10:00
Mother's working hours per week                     
  Total 41 393 6 581 18 183 12 255 3 074 1 211 15 329
  Employed 17 459 1 825 8 115 5 995 1 115 369 7 110
    Working hours 16 219 1 719 7 510 5 579 1 027 347 6 606
    Less than 20 hours 4 044 662 1 838 1 191 243 101 1 434
    Less than 40 hours 7 141 719 3 321 2 507 436 141 2 943
    Less than 60 hours 4 697 311 2 225 1 754 309 89 2 063
    60 hours or more 337 27 126 127 39 16 166
  Unemployed 23 479 4 684 9 866 6 132 1 923 829 8 055
Father's working hours per week                     
Total 39 592 6 378 17 416 11 654 2 920 1 140 14 574
  Employed 38 813 6 277 17 089 11 415 2 851 1 101 14 266
  Working hours 37 119 5 955 16 347 10 956 2 737 1 048 13 693
    Less than 20 hours 666 101 274 190 63 36 253
    Less than 40 hours 2 958 410 1 336 934 190 83 1 124
    Less than 60 hours 22 921 3 465 10 232 7 002 1 597 584 8 599
    60 hours or more 10 574 1 979 4 505 2 830 887 345 3 717
  Unemployed 422 48 165 135 46 28 181
Notes:1)The figures are based on the responses to the 4th survey, of which children living with their mothers or fathers.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item. The "employed" includes "no working hours" and "unknown working hours."

Statistics 15  Concerns about children's eating behaviors, in relation with their sex, sibling composition, and bedtimes (multiple answers) (Table 10)

   Total Concerned Concerns about children's eating behaviors (multiple answers) No
Eats very
Eats too
much or
very little
at times
Has many
likes and
Does not
bite well
Does not
sit still
when eating (for
play while
Total 41 557 33 375 5 545 18 164 11 366 5 100 18 281 5 278 2 970 8 068
  Boy 21 590 17 648 2 752 9 492 6 342 3 117 10 135 2 645 1 482 3 897
  Girl 19 967 15 727 2 793 8 672 5 024 1 983 8 146 2 633 1 488 4 171
Sibling composition                              
  Only child 10 049 8 449 1 516 4 525 2 887 1 461 5 030 1 720 743 1 567
  Younger sibling(s) only 10 219 8 657 1 849 4 807 3 057 1 217 4 786 1 605 874 1 533
  Elder sibling(s) only 18 379 14 042 1 856 7 606 4 714 2 075 7 344 1 670 1 141 4 291
  Both elder and younger siblings 2 909 2 226 324 1 225 707 347 1 121 283 212 677
  Before 9:00 pm since 2nd survey 2 198 1 516 174 752 512 264 675 90 157 676
  9:00 - 9:59 since 2nd survey 6 905 5 336 750 2 833 1 667 866 2 815 516 491 1 555
  After 10:00 pm since 2nd survey 7 391 6 295 1 187 3 434 2 220 893 3 723 1 440 509 1 082
Notes:1)The figures for total, sex, and sibling composition are based on the responses to the 4th survey, and the bedtimes are based on the responses to the 2nd through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 16  Changes to the concerns about children's eating behaviors
(Figure 7)

   Total Concerned Concerns about children's eating behaviors (multiple answers) No
Eat very
Eat too
much or
very little
at times
many likes
Do not
bite well
Do not sit
still when
eating (for
play while
3rd survey 40 616 32 428 4 596 18 054 10 182 7 524 19 296 4 691 2 469 7 899
4th survey 40 616 32 643 5 434 17 773 11 151 5 008 17 843 5 144 2 920 7 866
Note: The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.
The total includes samples with "unknown" concerning the concerns about children's eating behaviors.

Statistics 17  Major illnesses and injuries seen by clinics and hospitals over the past
year (multiple answers), and changes in the hospitalization status (Table 11)

   4th survey 3rd survey
Total 40 616 40 616
Visited hospitals or clinics for illnesses/injuries 37 969 38 075
(Previously reported)      
  Cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia 31 645 33 190
  Eczema, atopic dermatitis 7 538 6 474
  Decayed teeth 7 260 2 858
  Otitis media, otitis externa 5 707 5 413
  Chicken pox 5 603 6 026
  Digestive diseases including gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, stomach ache, constipation 5 546 7 324
  Influenza 3 864 5 626
  Impetigo 3 626 2 919
Hospitalized 2 814 3 821
Note: The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.

Statistics 18  How children play with other children, in relation to their sex,
sibling composition, and major nursing patterns (Table 12)

   Total Play alone Play with
Play with
Play with
Play in
Others Unknown
Total 41 557 6 054 15 379 8 104 6 460 2 798 2 370 392
  Boy 21 590 3 294 8 151 3 945 3 255 1 463 1 266 216
  Girl 19 967 2 760 7 228 4 159 3 205 1 335 1 104 176
Sibling composition                        
  Only child 10 049 3 349 5 4 197 1 1 196 1 111 190
  Younger sibling(s) only 10 219 1 681 3 318 2 183 1 679 668 596 94
  Elder sibling(s) only 18 379 967 10 221 1 555 4 065 863 609 99
  Both elder and younger siblings 2 909 56 1 835 169 715 71 54 9
Major nursing patterns                        
  Parents only 21 404 3 916 9 145 3 213 3 214 697 1 124 95
  Nurses, etc. since two years old or younger 7 020 477 1 838 2 161 1 114 957 363 110
  Parents, and then nurses, etc. since three years old 2 965 201 799 807 581 348 183 46
  Parents, and then kindergarten teachers since three years old 2 401 233 815 517 527 192 99 18
Notes:1)The figures for total, sex, and sibling composition are based on the responses to the 4th survey, and the major nursing patterns are based on the responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 19  Changes to the hours spent watching TV (Figure 8)

   Total Less than 1
1 to less than 2
2 to less than 3
3 to less than 4
4 to less than 5
5 hours or
watch TV
Not sure Unknown
3rd survey 40 616 3 723 14 848 5 643 11 253 2 261 1 599 376 657 256
4th survey 40 616 3 471 15 996 5 811 11 256 1 983 1 213 440 221 225
Note: The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.

Statistics 20  Correlation between the acquisition status of TV-related discipline
and the hours spent watching TV (Figure 9)

   Total Less than 1 hour 1 to less than 2
2 to less than 3
3 to less than 4
4 hours or more Others
Total 20 617 1 882 8 725 3 069 5 389 1 195 357
  Acquired 13 950 1 617 6 455 1 904 3 147 569 258
  Not acquired 6 347 238 2 148 1 115 2 143 609 94
  Unknown 320 27 122 50 99 17 5
Notes:1)The figures are based on the responses to the 4th survey, replying "gave or giving discipline" of "having the children keep pre-defined time for watching TV or playing computer games."
2)The "other" includes the number of samples with "never watch TV," "not sure," and "unknown" concerning the hours spent watching TV.

Statistics 21  Hours playing computer games,
in relation to the sex and sibling composition of children (Table 13)

   Total Do not
Hours of playing
Less than 1
1 to less
than 2
2 to less
than 3
3 hours or
Total 41 557 35 335 6 031 4 160 1 473 204 112 82
  Boy 21 590 17 721 3 770 2 453 1 031 146 89 51
  Girl 19 967 17 614 2 261 1 707 442 58 23 31
Sibling composition                        
  Only child 10 049 8 868 1 113 750 288 38 17 20
  Younger sibling(s) only 10 219 9 257 920 626 214 41 29 10
  Elder sibling(s) only 18 379 14 748 3 561 2 512 842 107 56 44
  Both elder and younger siblings 2 909 2 461 437 272 129 18 10 8
Notes:1)The figures are based on the responses to the 4th survey.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 22  Changes in the status of taking paid lessons (Figure 10)

   4th survey
Total Taking lessons Not taking lessons
3rd survey Total 40 000 9 342 30 658
Taking lessons 5 669 4 009 1 660
Not taking lessons 34 331 5 333 28 998
Note:The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys, excluding the replies with "unknown" concerning the status of lessons.

Statistics 23  Breakdown of the paid lessons
(multiple answers) (Figure 11)

   3rd survey 4th survey
Total 40 000 40 000
Taking lessons (multiple answers) 5 669 9 342
  Kinder class 1 920 2 307
  Cram school for entrance exam preparations 44 149
  Abacus ... 4
  Calligraphy ... 32
  Music (piano, etc.) 851 1 700
  Painting/Craftwork 35 118
  Gymnastics 717 1 098
  Ballet 15 254
  Swimming 1 305 2 731
  English 1 347 2 662
  Others 605 844
Not taking lessons 34 331 30 658
Note:The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys, excluding the replies with "unknown" concerning the status of lessons.

Statistics 24  Characters of boys and girls in relation with their sibling composition (multiple answers) (Figure 12; Table 14)

   Boys Girls
Total Only child Younger
sibling(s) only
Elder sibling(s)
Both elder and
younger siblings
Total Only child Younger
sibling(s) only
Both elder and
younger siblings
Total 21 590 5 094 5 302 9 610 1 584 19 967 4 955 4 917 8 769 1 325
Quiet 1 771 481 570 602 118 1 468 460 444 475 89
Active 11 285 2 534 2 523 5 388 840 10 940 2 655 2 592 4 969 723
Friendly 7 847 1 931 1 818 3 544 554 5 621 1 439 1 352 2 459 371
Shy 1 753 445 440 764 104 2 543 665 643 1 058 177
Jokey 9 233 2 206 2 364 4 004 659 6 174 1 596 1 631 2 556 391
Short-tempered 3 703 1 072 989 1 458 184 3 200 1 007 929 1 114 149
Careful in doing things 3 328 1 086 1 212 872 158 2 600 927 972 604 97
Do things at his/her own pace 6 028 1 466 1 371 2 649 542 5 477 1 392 1 267 2 362 456
Strongly opinionated (egocentric) 7 951 1 968 1 528 3 937 518 10 372 2 466 2 205 4 999 701
Timid 2 211 612 891 591 117 903 288 410 176 29
Unyielding 5 620 1 289 1 072 2 863 396 6 595 1 577 1 365 3 199 454
Honest 5 264 1 331 1 501 2 060 372 4 170 1 172 1 211 1 523 264
Independent 8 257 1 952 1 873 3 849 583 10 244 2 454 2 301 4 833 656
Persistent 3 459 889 948 1 381 241 2 460 692 724 902 142
Curious 9 056 2 254 2 202 4 001 599 7 880 2 167 1 962 3 314 436
Fickle 3 290 1 081 1 154 890 165 3 229 1 156 1 102 828 143
Restless 5 964 1 749 1 787 2 060 368 3 816 1 258 1 177 1 158 222
Bashful 6 916 1 663 1 921 2 822 510 6 985 1 735 1 866 2 926 457
Dependent 13 650 3 239 2 971 6 478 962 10 034 2 565 2 133 4 685 650
Easygoing 1 770 443 598 569 160 1 376 390 468 409 109
Impatient 1 315 449 394 406 66 1 198 403 381 363 51
Other 853 226 265 282 80 809 224 254 248 83
Not sure 177 40 40 85 12 186 44 25 98 19
Notes:1)The figures are based on the responses to the 4th survey.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 25  Satisfactions from child rearing, in relation with major nursing patterns (multiple answers) (Table 15)

   3rd survey 4th survey
Total Parents only Nurses, etc.
since two years
old or younger
Parents, and
nurses, etc.
from three years
Parents, and
from three years old
Total 39 838 39 838 21 404 7 020 2 965 2 401
Have satisfactions 39 471 39 409 21 208 6 935 2 936 2 382
   Family ties strengthened 22 641 23 195 12 922 3 883 1 607 1 413
Contact with the child is rewarding 28 595 28 075 15 057 5 085 2 028 1 605
Everyday life is exciting 15 404 16 900 8 655 3 303 1 217 940
Enjoying the companionship between siblings 20 911 24 758 13 774 4 116 1 820 1 544
Human network widened by rearing the child 12 970 17 280 10 731 2 220 1 266 1 356
Mindset broadened by rearing the child 15 023 16 153 8 762 2 898 1 231 936
Home is cheerful thanks to the child 26 683 27 983 15 144 4 909 2 010 1 636
Take pleasure in the growth of the child 32 573 33 029 17 734 5 875 2 451 2 002
Other 877 889 454 177 79 57
No satisfactions in particular 169 195 85 38 15 9
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 26  Burdens and worries about child rearing, in relation with the major nursing patterns (multiple answers) (Table 16)

   3rd survey 4th survey
Total Parents
Nurses, etc.
from two
years old or
and nurses,
etc. from
three years
from three
years old
Total 39 838 39 838 21 404 7 020 2 965 2 401
Feel some burdens or worries 34 358 34 652 18 806 6 043 2 506 2 076
   Physical burdens 12 778 12 104 6 983 2 011 799 708
Financial burdens 10 234 12 564 6 467 2 184 1 029 1 041
Lack of free time 23 484 21 112 12 276 3 568 1 232 927
Lack of partner's involvement in child rearing 2 454 2 731 1 456 453 238 189
Parental disagreement in discipline 3 746 4 731 2 225 869 429 272
Unable to work or do enough housework 7 976 8 024 3 650 2 013 634 408
Concerned about what people think or talk about the child 2 033 3 322 2 013 431 261 202
Constant tension due to the active child 9 060 6 037 3 684 829 377 282
Unable to build good relationship with other parents 479 630 401 78 40 38
No caregiver when temporary childcare is needed 4 773 4 446 3 256 408 172 223
Disobedience of the child 8 729 10 994 6 068 1 770 853 670
Child being prone to illness 1 638 1 531 690 283 197 125
No doctor available in the neighborhood for sudden illness 1 384 1 364 720 218 121 78
Concerned about the growth of the child 2 828 3 028 1 670 456 253 180
Do not know how to discipline the child 3 463 2 910 1 522 497 237 190
No tolerance toward the child ... 9 148 4 732 1 750 704 559
No affection to the child 124 168 85 27 13 14
Child reluctant to go to school or kindergarten ... 993 429 188 113 74
Others 1 192 1 355 719 252 107 75
No particular burdens or worries 5 177 4 813 2 433 893 425 309
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 1st through 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" for each item.

Statistics 27  Whom to ask for advice about child rearing
(multiple answers) (Table 17)

   Total Have someone to ask for advice Whom to ask for advice about child rearing (multiple answers) Nobody to ask for advice
Partner The respondent's parent(s) The partner's parent(s) The respondent's siblings The partner's siblings Other relatives Friends and acquaintances Doctor(s) PHN(s) Midwives and hospital nurses Nurses (at nursery schools) Kindergarten teachers Counselors (incl. telephone consultation) Internet resources Fellow mothers in kids' circles Others
Total of 3rd survey 40 616 40 028 33 432 28 074 9 817 10 430 2 436 1 301 29 267 3 356 2 133 398 6 192 ... 547 1 176 2 501 222 527
Total of 4th survey 40 616 39 681 32 842 26 226 8 685 9 588 1 956 993 27 680 2 494 1 641 262 7 790 3 658 550 738 1 623 460 718
  Born in January 20 244 19 746 16 226 12 925 4 232 4 713 944 472 13 836 1 243 761 133 3 964 2 901 264 355 667 213 376
Born in July 20 372 19 935 16 616 13 301 4 453 4 875 1 012 521 13 844 1 251 880 129 3 826 757 286 383 956 247 342
Notes:1)The figures are based on the total responses to the 3rd and 4th surveys.
2)The total includes the number of samples with "unknown" concerning the consultation status.

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