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DNV (1997) : “Overview of Risks from BSE via Environmental Pathways”, Report to Environment Agency, Ref C7243, June 1997.

Donnelly, C.A. et al (1997) “The epidemiology of BSE in cattle herds in Great Britain. I. Epidemiological processes, demography of cattle and approaches to control by culling”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, Series B, Vol 352, pp781-801.

MLC (1980): “Retail Meat Cuts in Great Britain”, Meat and Livestock Commission, Milton Keynes, September 1980.

MLC (1997): Private Communication, Meat and Livestock Commission, Milton Keynes.

Stone, J., Moore, R., Tattersall, H. (1990): “The Meat Buyers Guide”, Third Edition, Meat Trades Journal Book

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