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Terms and Definitions

(1) Sibling composition

The composition of elder and younger siblings who live with the surveyed child

If the surveyed child is one of twins or triplets, and does not have other siblings, he/she is categorized in the group of gelder sibling(s) only.h

If the surveyed child has siblings whose ages are unknown, such siblings are categorized as gelder siblingsh if they have been counted since the 1st survey.

Only child The surveyed child only
Younger sibling(s) only The surveyed child plus younger brother(s) and/or sister(s)
Elder sibling(s) only The surveyed child plus elder brother(s) and/or sister(s)
Both elder and younger siblings The surveyed child plus elder brother(s) and/or sister(s) and younger brother(s)
and/or sister(s)

(2) Caregivers

Usual caregivers

Those who take care of the subject child on a daily basis, regardless of the number of hours

Nurses, etc. at nursery schools Includes nurses at authorized and unauthorized (e.g. baby hotels) nursery facilities
Nursery mothers A collective name for those authorized by local governments, in order to take care of
a small number of infants at home. Also ghome welfare workersh and gnursery rooms
at homeh
Baby sitters Those who take care of infants at the infantsf homes
Nurses, etc. Incl. gNurses, etc. at nursery schools,h gNursery mothersh and/or gBaby sittersh

(3) Employed (including those taking childcare leave or other leave)

1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th surveys:
Total number of full-time workers, part-time workers, self-employed workers, family workers, pieceworkers at home, and others

3rd survey:
Those engaged in work with income, or with the intention of receiving income

(4) Impressions from child rearing (satisfaction from child rearing, etc.)

gSatisfaction from child rearingh and gburdens and worries about child rearingh are in regard to the surveyed children.

(5) Child-rearing expenditures

Expenditures for the surveyed children for a period of one month; in July 2005 for those who were born in January and in January 2006 for those who were born in July

(6) Burden of child-rearing expenditures

gBurden of child-rearing expendituresh is in regard to the expenses for the surveyed children.

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